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.Simon. 06-25-2009 08:35 PM

Oh for goodness sake.

I agree with Steve though. Because i know this is my only life, i will enjoy it and live it to the full. I don't want to live forever. I want to experience happiness, sadness and know that i need to be as good as i can because i don't have forever.

If god was so great, he would let us have our own free will and respect our own decisions. Why does he feel the need to be worshipped?

Sam 06-25-2009 08:48 PM

GOD IS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF THE WORLD!!!!! if it wasn't for God we would not be here!!!!!

.Simon. 06-25-2009 08:50 PM

I give up. You can't reason with someone who is so blind they don't want to listen to anything else.

Sam 06-25-2009 08:52 PM

I'm a listener too but youre speaking LIES ALL LIES!! if you submit too God you can have eternal Joyness and you will see Sign & Wonders!!!

skinny killer 06-25-2009 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by .Simon. (Post 346586)
Oh for goodness sake.

I agree with Steve though. Because i know this is my only life, i will enjoy it and live it to the full. I don't want to live forever. I want to experience happiness, sadness and know that i need to be as good as i can because i don't have forever.

If god was so great, he would let us have our own free will and respect our own decisions. Why does he feel the need to be worshipped?

That's just it Simon. you Don't have to spend your life worshiping. God asks nothing more then to follow his ways and give your sole to you.

if you don't worship, it's not like he'll send you to hell or something. I have no idea why you can't get that thru your brain.

it's not like you'll be spending your life in some church worshiping 247.

Chrispy 06-26-2009 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by bf2multi100 (Post 346589)
I'm a listener too but youre speaking LIES ALL LIES!! if you submit too God you can have eternal Joyness and you will see Sign & Wonders!!!

With all due respect that's pretty narrow-minded.

Me, Simon, or Steve haven't said you guys are speaking lies, and we haven't said that if you listen to "science" and "facts" you will have eternal joyness and see truth and wonders and blah blah... etc.

I like to believe a bit of both trust me, but I just find facts way easier to believe and think about. Maybe not everything will be explained by science... but, scientists FTW. Science EXPLAINS it (maybe not all of it but it does), it doesn't just say "oh Earth got created" without telling why/how/whatever...

ShadowZ 06-26-2009 02:34 AM

Arguments such as this one do nothing but get everyone riled up, especially since there is no definitive answer to it, and I personally believe that this question will ever be truly answered, ever.

Take life as it is:
Your alive, you can do things, you can change peoples lives, you can learn, you can do just about anything you want to do. Try to live your life to the fullest, meaning you try to do as many things as you can do.

As for death, well, you'll just have to find out for yourself. There's been several cases of people dieing and the coming back to life, all of which having some sort experience to which they interpret for themselves... but again, they are the ones that experienced death, and they have will most likely have a different interpretation than you will.

As for life after death, people can live on through their friends, family, enemies, etc. as long as those people remember them. With this simple memory of the dead, the living will do things that they would normally not do... "I will become the best I can... for dad" sort of deal. People can also live on through their fame of their actions, such as the great heroes Hercules, Beowulf, Moses, to name a few.

Science is merely a tool people have come up with in order to understand the world around them. Scientific facts are those that "If you do this then this will happen, always." Scientific theories are those that "If you do this then this will probably happen... most of the time," as well as "Well, this might have happened in this way, but I can't really find concrete proof that it did." That being said, there are numerous Scientific theories that explain the origins of everything, but there is no way that people can test them.

In the end, it really boils down to what you believe... what you believe is what you believe, and you will not change your belief unless you are willing to.

I personally advise that when you are going to say your belief to someone, that you say "I believe that..." "or so I believe" in order to prevent another uproar such as this... because when you forget to say that, some people will hear "My belief is the fact" and will probably put up their dukes or start hugging you...(?)

As for my beliefs, well, that's up to me and you-know-who.

Chrispy 06-26-2009 02:44 AM

You just got raped/repped. :)

Hehe good to see you registered. :P

ShadowZ 06-26-2009 03:01 AM

Yeah, bad thing is that I've got yet another Forum to keep up with. (dangit!)

skinny killer 06-26-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chrispy (Post 346595)
I like to believe a bit of both trust me, but I just find facts way easier to believe and think about. Maybe not everything will be explained by science... but, scientists FTW. Science EXPLAINS it (maybe not all of it but it does), it doesn't just say "oh Earth got created" without telling why/how/whatever...

And THAT's exactly what I'm talking about Chris. You take the easy way. Not the wise way.

The bible explains why we were made. you just have to read the dern thing.

You won't understand it at first. believe me. but, it'll come to you. you just have to be smart enough. you have to be alot more wise to understand those words then to be somewhat smart to understand science. H'es waiting on you to read. He'll help ya out.

skinny killer 06-26-2009 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowZ (Post 346596)
Arguments such as this one do nothing but get everyone riled up, especially since there is no definitive answer to it, and I personally believe that this question will ever be truly answered, ever.

Take life as it is:
Your alive, you can do things, you can change peoples lives, you can learn, you can do just about anything you want to do. Try to live your life to the fullest, meaning you try to do as many things as you can do.

As for death, well, you'll just have to find out for yourself. There's been several cases of people dieing and the coming back to life, all of which having some sort experience to which they interpret for themselves... but again, they are the ones that experienced death, and they have will most likely have a different interpretation than you will.

As for life after death, people can live on through their friends, family, enemies, etc. as long as those people remember them. With this simple memory of the dead, the living will do things that they would normally not do... "I will become the best I can... for dad" sort of deal. People can also live on through their fame of their actions, such as the great heroes Hercules, Beowulf, Moses, to name a few.

Science is merely a tool people have come up with in order to understand the world around them. Scientific facts are those that "If you do this then this will happen, always." Scientific theories are those that "If you do this then this will probably happen... most of the time," as well as "Well, this might have happened in this way, but I can't really find concrete proof that it did." That being said, there are numerous Scientific theories that explain the origins of everything, but there is no way that people can test them.

In the end, it really boils down to what you believe... what you believe is what you believe, and you will not change your belief unless you are willing to.

I personally advise that when you are going to say your belief to someone, that you say "I believe that..." "or so I believe" in order to prevent another uproar such as this... because when you forget to say that, some people will hear "My belief is the fact" and will probably put up their dukes or start hugging you...(?)

As for my beliefs, well, that's up to me and you-know-who.

"and I personally believe that this question will ever be truly answered, ever."

Exactly. that's exactly how God wants it. (read other posts to see what I'm talking about)

"Your alive, you can do things, you can change peoples lives, you can learn, you can do just about anything you want to do. Try to live your life to the fullest, meaning you try to do as many things as you can do."

"Change peoples lives", Ha, and you can't see that's what I've been trying to do. and it will changes lives for the better. Believe me.

It's what made my dad who he is today.

when he was a lil' dude, his parents had lots of money, But they didn't give a rats a$$ about him. they'd rather spend their money on booze, drugs and parties. so even tho they had all that money, Dad was still left to eat what-ever barries he could find outside.

he was always trying to pull his drunk Dad off of his mom cuz he was always beating her. he would then get beaten himself.

he was always getting involved in gangs at his school and starting fights.

Then he started on Drugs........

He was going down fast! one day he just started reading the Bible. at the age of 12 he asked God to save him.

Well he's here to day as a middle class working man. he's got 15 acres of some really nice woods (and creek) with a two story house, two vehicles and his daughter in college. and he has been happily married for over 24 years and has kept the same good job this whole time. he's a very decent and kind man.

He didn't go to some kind of shrink. he went to God.

RedrumSalad 06-26-2009 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by skinny killer (Post 346601)
And THAT's exactly what I'm talking about Chris. You take the easy way. Not the wise way.

The bible explains why we were made. you just have to read the dern thing.

You won't understand it at first. believe me. but, it'll come to you. you just have to be smart enough. you have to be alot more wise to understand those words then to be somewhat smart to understand science. H'es waiting on you to read. He'll help ya out.

"The bible explains why we were made. you just have to read the dern thing."

it sounds like one of those Native American creation myths

im not trying to be funny or mean or anything like that, im just saying

skinny killer 06-26-2009 11:02 AM

"it sounds like one of those Native American creation myths"

exactly. only if you don't understand it.

just read. you'll see that it's so much more then some fairy tale some Indian made up.

.Simon. 06-26-2009 11:23 AM

""and I personally believe that this question will ever be truly answered, ever."

Exactly. that's exactly how God wants it. (read other posts to see what I'm talking about)"

Why? What is he hiding? Doesn't he realise that a lot more people would believe if there was some kind of proof. And you can't justify god creating the earth as proof. The bible is an ancient book that im sure has been edited many many times. So you cannot believe what is written in it today to be true since the time of Jesus.

skinny killer 06-26-2009 11:33 AM

Ok you're not thinking about it simon.

if we had proof that he did exist and proof there is a such place known as the damned, then every one would choose god because they don't want to be claimed by the damned.

so they'd be using God rather then choosing him because they love him. and so God would be back to square one.

that's the whole reason he planned for eve and adam to eat of the tree of knowledge. he wanted them to gain the knowledge of evil so they could make the choice rather the being born to love him.

imagine you have created something like God created us. you wanted your creation to love you. But the problem is, they love you because you designed them to love you from the start. then that wouldn't be true love. it would be forced love. Now what kind of mad God would force people to love him. so he gave us the knowledge of evil so we could make the choice. live in sin and ignore Gods invitation to escape. or Put a little bit of faith into trusting something he left behind for us.

he wants you to make the choice based on how wise you are. he wants you to trust him and simply take his word for it. Not to ask him to save you simply becuase you don't want to be claimed by saten.

.Simon. 06-26-2009 11:45 AM

So he would rather us believe it just because someone says its right? But then what makes it more right than any other religion?

skinny killer 06-26-2009 01:04 PM

No, he would rather us believe it because we choose to trust his word he left behind for us. His word being the bible.

And other religions are even more like fiction. they have no main purpose other then we were simply created by some higher existence.

This has a reason. this makes sense as to why this higher existence (God) would create us.

Also if you read the Bible. you'll find chapters that refer to to other chapters in OTHER books of the bible that were written hundreds of years later. So how could the writer predict what would happen hundreds of years later. Studies have been made to even show that they were written hundreds of years AFTER the books that refer to the same events. yet earlier books written by different people with no relations, refer to events that are yet to happen hundreds of years later.

which is even more reason to believe that God used these people who wrote the different books of the Bible to tell his word. People did not write the books of the bible. God did, he simply used the people to write it. So God new the events that would happen when the writer could not.

You just have to read.

Xx_jet_xX 06-26-2009 05:06 PM

This is what I love about religious topics epecialy with the christian believers. They have little tolerance for others who believe differently than them and will cram their beliefs down others throats. the link above is about just the currently practiced religions. those dont include the thousands of years prior to christianity that ancient civilizations worshipped something else. And the very bible itself states all those religions are invalid. What makes the bible and christianity more valid than say the ancient greek religion, Aztec, or even Buddhism?

The answer is NOTHING.

"In one way, most people in North America are Atheists. Christians will generally deny the existence of the Mayan, Hindu, Ancient Roman, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Sumerian, Sikh, and many hundreds of other Gods and Goddesses, even as they assert their belief in the Christian Trinity. Thus, the difference between a typical Christian and a typical Atheist is numerically small: The strong Atheist believes that none of the many thousands of Gods and Goddesses exist; the Christian believes that one God exists in a certain structure -- a Trinity -- whereas all of the other thousands of deities are nonexistent, artificial creations by humans. Although the numerical difference is much less that 0.1%, the philosophical difference is immense."

That in and of itself is a hypocrsy.

The bible was translated many times over the past 2k years and changed to suit the religious leaders in power. this is fact.

Believe in the god of your choice. or not! This subject should be closed and get back to spam..

skinny killer 06-26-2009 05:26 PM

But this is SPAM!!!!! :D :D :D

You've been given your choice............ that's that.

you can either reject it like you are now or accept. so good luck wif dat.

Xx_jet_xX 06-26-2009 06:37 PM

I like Spam actualy. Its not so bad when its fried with a nice crisp outside sliced thin between 2 pieces of bread with mayo, lettuce, and tomato.

chopped and mixed with top ramen though is nasty....

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