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(Old) 09-22-2002 12:46 AM

Alternative to no right click
1 Attachment(s)
For those that use no right click on your pages or wan't to but find it to annoying, i have attached a piece of Javascript that will create a custom menu when you right click, the script is customizable and skinnable if you know what you doing.

katana*GFR* 10-03-2002 08:34 AM

and how do it do it?
Have you got a lil simple tutorial for that?

Sal UK 10-03-2002 10:01 AM

Nice but the whole right click really is a waste of time when anyone thinks about it.As all anyone has to do is goto their temp internet folder and anything anyone wanted to get like a pic they liked or anything else that shows up onscreen can be found in there. :(
I wanted to do the right click but when i thought about the time to do it and the fact any page is stored in the temp folder I gave up on the idea :) sorry if I put a downer on this.

katana*GFR* 10-03-2002 10:50 AM

no you dont i was just curious cause i dont know &*% bout programming and stuff and really would like to learn it.

Only prob i encounter most of the time is that its written in english in such a way that i totally loose the way.
I know im fairly good at english but not that good that i can read it like an technical guide orso.

So if sum1 has sum ideas for me were to get progs and tutorials bout programming.... All help is welcome.

(Old) 10-04-2002 09:55 PM

katana all you do i put the part that says PUT THIS INTO THE HEAD OF THE PAGE You have to put that betwen <HEAD> and </HEAD> and the same goes for the body, you put that between the <body>and</body> tags

Ian M 10-04-2002 11:38 PM

I like the cool javascript thingys that bring up nice menus on right click.
You dont need to use temp folders either btw, you can drag and drop all webpage images into the Address bar and be taken directly to the original where there is no javascript disabling anything.
You can disable that too but you need to really know you htdocs I think.

On a secondary note, all the stuff you see here in DFHQ was self taught. Panther went very quickly from being just about able to prodice a half decent homepage to the php driven power house you see here today.
He taught himself by right clicking on every good website he could find and learning how it was done.
In turn he was then able to reproduce it and add to it to produce which I am quite confident in saying is one of the top GAMES sites out there let alone DF.

The point is this. disableing right click is not only pointless, because its easily bypassed, but also an affront to what the web is all about, namley the free flow of ideas and information.

DFHQ is a free utility as are most sites like this. The majority of amatuer web stuff is and so it should be.
I find that most sites that disable right click tend to be pretty poor sites anyway and worse still when you do bypass and examine their code its badly written amatuer stuff.

Dont forget that most competent webdesigners can see the code that produced a website simply by looking at the site itself. The people that disable right click did not invent HTML or PHP (which is utterly free source anyhow) so exactly what copyright their ignorant little minds think they are protecting is beyond me.

Disable right click?
Its rude, anti-social and anti-web. Its as bad as putting repeating pop-ups that lock people into your site.
Javascript should be banned.

So there you go.

(Old) 10-05-2002 12:45 AM

i also find no right click annoying, that's why i posted this you could turn right click ino something more useful than a annoying message.

Scott 10-05-2002 01:19 AM

&lt;body oncontextmenu=&quot;return false&quot; ondragstart=&quot;return false&quot; onselectstart=&quot;return false&quot;&gt;

This is actually an easier way. It will block right click, trying to drag text/images to cache and will not let you selece items. But if you really wanna know how I feel about no right click, I HATE it when websites use it. There is no way to protect your code from an experanced user in the first place. It is all stored in cache. The thing I hate most about it is I it wont let me open windows in a new browers. I usually open all links in a new window if they are going to a new site so I don't loose the current site. Just an opinion.

katana*GFR* 10-05-2002 08:12 AM

Hey thx for all info i will not put that in i was just after info cause i truly wanna learn html and programming

btw Panther whats the code for opening a page in a new window? I got a lot to learn....

Steve 10-05-2002 08:13 AM

this is a good post :)

ever see the right click script that crashes your browser? now that is FinStoopid IMO.

it seems that the ppl who use it are attempting to protect images that they didnt even make them selves from my experience.

i usually right click on images to see their file size to figure out why its taking so long for the frikkin page to load, not to steal.

no amount of protection can stop anyone doing a printscreen and pasting into their gfx proggy anyway lol.

SilentTrigger 10-15-2002 10:10 AM

those scripts dont work if u want to protect btw ;) just thought id share :) someone might allredy have said it tho but i say it again then :)

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