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^I^WolfBane 10-05-2002 08:52 PM

Hosting Command Codes
Netdelay 0: make information move faster from your location to other players Pc’s

Lockgame: 1st time like locking the door up no one can come into your gaming area 2nd time you do it open the door.

Puntlog: a log of punts will come up.

Puntcrc: punt info unknown at this time but you get info on the screen upper right of screen will show up after some time will go away.

Resetgames: this will load next map in.

Bluetalk: talk to blue team only cannot read or see blue talk back to you if you’re on red team. {1-way only}

Redtalk: talk to red team only will not see or read what is on their team talk only sent to them if you’re on blue team. {1-way only}

Dualcpu: double the CPU in the pc works better in some case this helps a lot.

Savescore: this will save the score of the game you host.

Exit: exit out of the game and back to DF: manual for good but not all the way out take you back to loading screen.

Quit: delta 1/2lw will close Down delta force game back to desktop

Tracers: 1st time is on or off 2nd times same as 1st time. If they are set to be off you do this code as you host the game the traces ether go off or on it count what it was set to ether case you don’t need to turn off the game to reset the setting now.

Missionrestart: this will restart the map you are on say the people are on a map and they like to stay there now all you have to do is put this code in. (this will not lock the map). This code did work at one time seem no longer work at all.

Endgames: as the map time or score max out the game will end automatic.
Loadgame: have not tested.

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