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Sofaires 11-02-2009 05:07 PM

left 4 dead 2
what you guys think about it? i think it will only have a year from the first wich is not a lot and not too short i dont mind that, i just dont like that they will release something that they could just give as download content and even charge a small fee if they feel like its a expansion for the first but what i see so far its just the same game with a few changes its just my opinion :cb:

Chrispy 11-02-2009 09:14 PM

Umm, Valve have said why it'a a sequel and not DLC. Are you aware of how much new content is actually in L4D? I know that's your opinion, but it's way more than just "a few changes". I think if they thought it would fit for DLC, they would do it. But they're supporting both two games, which is good.

Sofaires 11-03-2009 01:19 PM

yea the fact that they are supporting both games its good and im going to read to see what else its going to be new, the last time i saw it was a while a go

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