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HD135 05-15-2002 07:35 PM

Is this legit or cheating??
I've run into 2 different activities of late that I find questionable. The first is the rapid firing of the MM1 nade launcher. Twice of late I have run into players firing this weapon like a machine gun. They say that it is simply a matter of quick finger action. If thats so I certainly can't duplicate their feat! The other has to do with jumping. I call it hyper jumping, where a player jumps progressively higher with each bounce. Are these legit or cheating?

Scott 05-15-2002 10:43 PM


HD135 05-15-2002 11:03 PM

Period!!! Thx for the confirmation.

Scott 05-15-2002 11:14 PM

Well it depends. I can't judge from what you said cause I haven't seen it. If the nades were coming really fast then it's auto nades. There should be at least a 1.1/2 sec pause between nades. And how high were they jumping?

DeDRAGE 05-16-2002 04:45 PM

Jumping doesnt matter. If they are jumping higher with each bounce then they are cheating. You can keep jumping and jump the same height every time. I hate the MM1 anyway. Just ban it from ur server and you wont have that anymore. Although I dont have a clue it might work on the OICW as well. Damn them for cheating and screwing up a fun game.

HD135 05-16-2002 09:54 PM

The hyper jumping occurred on the DFLW stock DM map, "Oil Rig". The map has an oil derrick as the center piece between 3 other buildings. After a few bounces they could reach the top of the derrick. Try picturing a jackrabbit on steriods hopping vertically.
One and a half seconds between nades? Nada. More like a nano second.

BLADE =GH= 05-17-2002 04:11 AM

Well the best advice i could give is to shot him, grab his gun and rape his ass till he leave the game. Drop the gun just b4 the end of the game and hope it not there in the next one.

chunx2 05-17-2002 07:04 AM

I 2 found that the m4master key will also fire in full auto if u use the ctrl button on u r key board.found this whilst mucking around a while back. whether my keyboard is faulty i dont i use the sniper rifle most of the time or the saw.

zza1pqx 05-17-2002 10:13 PM

M4MK is the fastest gun there is. Stick it on burst and hit fire like you have no future and you are out of ammo faster then it takes to sy s**t here comes panther....

HD135 05-17-2002 10:30 PM

Hmmm, so you can hold the ctrl key down and that turns the burst to auto fire? Ive suspected that there was a way to do that based on the battlefield sounds of some weapons. Then is that considered cheating or a trick of the trade?? :confused:

Steve 05-18-2002 03:04 AM

the m4 turbo fire thingy is legit cause u can do the same just be hitting the mouse button real fast. only thing is, lots of recoil, the m4 gives a good 'kick' ;) was my weapon of choice b4 NL fixed the 'mouse scale' glitch. hehe NL cant win, they fix one thing but make plp unhappy in another way

chunx2 05-18-2002 06:06 AM

hey thnx steve 4 clearing this up 4 me & others alike. As im new 2 this game I showed this 2 a mate of mine once & he called me a cheat so I never used it again. After the games made 4 fun & not 4 cheats.P.S {KEEP THE GREAT MAPS COMING}

HD135 05-18-2002 12:20 PM

Good information and much appreciated. I really hate to bring up this cheating stuff. Its a pleasure (and rarity) to play a game without hearing the "C" word. All too often cheating is the first line of defense for sore losers. I have found for the most part that when Im getting my butt kicked its because the other players are simply better (something that isnt always easy to admit, lol)

Steve 05-19-2002 04:23 AM


Originally posted by HD135
Good information and much appreciated. I really hate to bring up this cheating stuff. Its a pleasure (and rarity) to play a game without hearing the "C" word. All too often cheating is the first line of defense for sore losers. I have found for the most part that when Im getting my butt kicked its because the other players are simply better (something that isnt always easy to admit, lol)

well said m8

ranger59 06-08-2002 08:25 AM

hey man the mm1 firing fast is auto nades that is sepaate gun not even mm1 so u cant stop it!!!!!
second thing the jumper is a phsyco he uses pojo the jump cheat and u can almost fly if u use it wrong so watch it man dont let ppl like that on ur server BAN THEM 'Try picturing a jackrabbit on steriods hopping vertically. '
whoa blows the mind

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