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Scott 05-30-2002 05:47 AM

NovaLogic with DF:BHD on E3
Source: <a href="" target="_blank">DF Barracks</a>

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

At E3 Novalogic announced that their newest game was based on Somalia events in 1993. The game uses an updated Comanche 4 engine and it actually looks pretty good. You're gonna need a good videocard to make it look pretty though, as the game was running on a GeForce 4 with a GeForce 2 as minimum videocard. One of the things the enhanced Comanche 4 engine makes possible is that you can now move on terrain and actually be on the correct plane. So if you're on a downhill piece of terrain, it's not like your body sticks out, it's actually pressed against the ground. As for the game itself you got all your Black Hawk Down movie events like starting at the base, getting into the helicopters, seeing a black hawk being shot down, etc. Though not working in the build we saw, humvees and other vehicles will be in the game. Though perhaps not drivable by the player, the player will be able to man the machine gun. I was actually pretty surprised by the game and though it didn't really seem there was much to it right now, it's supposed to be released in October.

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