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Mdk.§kü££ ™ 08-07-2003 02:31 PM

new squad mdk needs a pro for forum
Hi there mdk is a new squad on landwarrior and in need of a real pro to gett the forum to a good standed if you think your smart enouth to inprove & if you like be a member then go to my forum check it out and see if you could improve it i would realy some help to get it to the sanderd of other forums ?.... :confused:

blueprint 08-07-2003 03:50 PM

in your sirg you forgot the "/" in the last img code

Mdk.§kü££ ™ 08-07-2003 03:56 PM

can u show me bro

Steve 08-07-2003 04:11 PM

i just think u canot link to those msm things.

also the link in ur first post is a mailto !!!

Steve 08-07-2003 04:12 PM

and isnt registered ????
what's goin' on lol

Mdk.§kü££ ™ 08-07-2003 04:19 PM

how do i do that then bro

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