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Stalker61 05-14-2004 08:54 AM

A Riddle
You are in a contest to win a million dollars. There are 3 light switches at the bottom of the building (where you start) and only 1 of them goes to the light bulb on the top floor. You have 1 elevator ride up to the top floor too see which switch goes to the light bulb. You can't leave the building to look up for a light in the windows and there are no stairs. The only way up is the elevator and you can ride it up, once. Which switch is it?

atholon 05-14-2004 09:08 AM

I would just bring a flashlight :D

Nev 05-14-2004 10:02 AM

we don't know if the light is on or off at the beginning

if we knew it's off, we could just turn on all 3 switches :D

Stalker61 05-14-2004 10:06 AM

The light is off and you can only have one switch on

atholon 05-14-2004 10:21 AM

Hehehe have a friend outside and have him on a cell phone. Then say "Are the lights on?" when flipping the appropriate switches one at a time :D

Stalker61 05-14-2004 10:24 AM


Originally posted by atholon
Hehehe have a friend outside and have him on a cell phone. Then say "Are the lights on?" when flipping the appropriate switches one at a time :D
Seriously :rolleyes: Figure it out, Once I tell you, you will be like :wall:

atholon 05-14-2004 10:28 AM

I dunno...

Scott 05-14-2004 01:35 PM

Switch them all one for a few then see which one is hot :D

Stalker61 05-14-2004 01:37 PM


Originally posted by Panther
Switch them all one for a few then see which one is hot :D
Close, but it is 3 switches and 1 bulb. You are very close.

IcIshoot 05-14-2004 03:41 PM

Man, I would love some more info :-)

For example, if the light bulb was in the hallway in front of the elevater, I would flip a switch, call the elevater, reach in press the floor number for the top floor and step out.

After the elevator starts it's accent, pry open the outer doors and look up. Once the elevater doors open, You should be able to look up between the elevator and the side of the shaft.

If I see light, Great! Call the elevator again, and ride up for the money

Otherwise, try a different switch and repeat the process again :D

I'll have to think about it some more with the given info


-Tigger- 05-14-2004 03:45 PM

ahh well i have no idea..... what about getting some1 with a walkie talkie to tell u if its lighting?

kibs 05-14-2004 06:41 PM

how many floors are between the switches and bulb and are the wires exposed?

kibs 05-14-2004 06:45 PM

do the switches have dimmers? (hehe)

kibs 05-14-2004 06:52 PM

you could easily narrow it down to a 50/50 chance by turning one on, seeing if it was the one, if it wasnt, you would have a choice betweent the other two, not a guaranteed million, but you've increased your chances

Hellfighter 05-14-2004 07:41 PM

switch the 3rd one on most farthest way from you;)

[3] 2 1 [elevator Door]1 2 [3]
****you are standing here*****
Number 3 for the 3rd floor

Lakie 05-14-2004 07:46 PM

the switches are in the elevator??

Hellfighter 05-14-2004 07:58 PM

the one mark 3rd floor

[X] top one "3rd floor"
[2] center
[1] bottom

there is no light switches at all inside a elevator, only inside fuse box you will find them ether one on the first floor or the basement you will find them fuse box's or maybe each floor has their owne fuse box to switch on the lights with. bad joke

only switches you find inside a elevator are the floors it gose to and fire alarm to get help if it gets stuck between floors.

sorry this liner is bad, not complet at all.

redo it is better to make it right.

go to the 3rd floor screw the light bulp in. using the elevator to get there

Cujo>DK< 05-14-2004 08:30 PM

nevermind silly answer

BADDOG 05-15-2004 05:03 AM

I'm with the guy who said lets take a flashlight lol:)!!!!


~MOUSE~ 05-15-2004 07:03 AM

squeek !
1. Turn the 1st switch on.

2. Turn the 2nd switch on wait a couple of minutes then turn it off.

3. Keep switch 3 off.

4. Go up to top floor.
a.If the top light is off and cold it must be switch 3.
b.If the top light is off but warm it must be switch 2.
c.If the top light is on it must be switch 1.

I will accept my prize by cheque or paypal. :D

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