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blueprint 08-18-2003 04:15 PM

God or No god?
Do you guys believe in god?

Me personally I'd have to say no. I just can't believe in something that I have absolutely no proof exists. Sure you can say, "but short look at all themiracles he's done", and I'd reply, "there's a scientific explanation for most everything, so don't talk to me". People say, if there is no god, how did everything get here, and scienists have ood explanations for that too.

What are your thoughts?

CapN'C*cksucker 08-18-2003 04:40 PM

I couldn't vote for nunya damn business. Bad poll.

blueprint 08-18-2003 04:56 PM


Originally posted by CapN'Colostomy
I couldn't vote for nunya damn business. Bad poll.
You didn't have to say anything at all. It's for the people that wanna respond.:asshole:

CapN'C*cksucker 08-18-2003 05:28 PM


Originally posted by CapN'Colostomy
I couldn't vote for nunya damn business. Bad poll.

blueprint 08-18-2003 05:41 PM


Originally posted by Short_Fuse
You didn't have to say anything at all. It's for the people that wanna respond.:asshole:

CapN'C*cksucker 08-18-2003 05:52 PM

I did want to respond, in fact, I did.But you set your poll up like a smacktard, and didn't include enough options. :asshole:

score 08-18-2003 06:22 PM

There is a God!!! There is so much evidence. Grab a Bible and start reading it.

Matt 08-18-2003 06:50 PM

There is a God, if you don't think there is you should at least try to read a bible, or attend one church service.

blueprint 08-18-2003 07:23 PM


Originally posted by Trilogy
There is a God, if you don't think there is you should at least try to read a bible, or attend one church service.

1> I've gone to a catholic school for 11 years

2> for four years I went to church every sunday

3> I have read most of the bible and since I've had religion as a class for the past 10 years(not including kindergarten) I have discussed in depth every single story in the bible

4> I have just as much knowledge about it as almost anyone else, I still can't believe it. I don't see how a bunch of storys put together can show any real truth. Someone could have BSed the whole thing.


Originally posted by CapN'Colostomy
But you set your poll up like a smacktard, and didn't include enough options.
What other options do you fricking need? you have a "yes" and a "no".

CapN'C*cksucker 08-18-2003 07:52 PM

How about one that says you should go **** yourself?

Matt 08-18-2003 08:10 PM

How about one that says "Stop Flaming or I will ban you?" :D

blueprint 08-18-2003 08:45 PM


Originally posted by CapN'Colostomy
How about one that says you should go **** yourself?

don't be mad at me for having an opinion differing from yours. That's why I started this thread, to see other people's opinions.

Hellfighter 08-18-2003 09:07 PM

history say it all.
mankind had been on this world a short of amount of all that history we came up the tree of life and all the other animal stay as they are.there had to be a god or its was a big time goof up that mankind came to be.think about says it all and the earth history shows only mankind can think up more ways to save life and kill life at the same time.

so there is a god with a funny way of showing us how to live.
bible is a fact of life and history to learn by and to under stand him.

i'll say this: his church is not in any builden of wood and stone its inside you. ask him to live inside you and he take a back seat you drive your way he give you tip's on what to do but its up to you to do the right thing he will not tell you how to live it.

be very watch full if he inside you.he knows what you think if its bad your done for.ask him to fore give you fast.

CapN'C*cksucker 08-18-2003 09:27 PM

I'm not mad that your opinion is different than mine. Who said it's different anyway? I've just NEVER seen anyone discuss religion, or lack of. I've seen it argued, and I know that people have killed and been killed, because of it. It's a big subject. And obviously, none of us here are going to kill each other over it, so no need to point that out. I just didn't think a DF forum, a GAMING forum, was the place for that. But then, I'm not in charge of anything around here, and you're free to post whatever you like. I just thought it might be nice to see a little common sense excercised. I might have known that would be asking too much.

blueprint 08-18-2003 09:31 PM


Originally posted by CapN'Colostomy
I just didn't think a DF forum, a GAMING forum, was the place for that.

I guess if this was in the df1,df2,lw,tfd or bhd section you'd be right but it's in the general section. Right underneath the general section it says (and I quote) "Talk About Anything in here.".

lil_dude 08-18-2003 09:47 PM

I know that we all came from a roach

CapN'C*cksucker 08-18-2003 10:05 PM

Right...I'm pretty sure I said that myself. In fact, it's right after what you quoted me saying.

blueprint 08-18-2003 10:14 PM

that's it this is my last post here on this subject, I'm tired of it, I prove myself right (not about the subject of god being real or not) time and time again but Capn' just keeps coming back. I really could carless about this flaming that's happening. I'm over it, I have better things to do, but obviously Capn' doesn't everytime I come back to laugh at this discussion, capn' is still on responding to my subject. I really don't care for this anymore. Later.

score 08-18-2003 10:14 PM

I guess perhaps there is no real way to see if it is true or not. It is simply something you believe in!

MÂÐлûß« 08-19-2003 01:09 AM


Originally posted by Short_Fuse
that's it this is my last post here on this subject, I'm tired of it, I prove myself right (not about the subject of god being real or not) time and time again but Capn' just keeps coming back. I really could carless about this flaming that's happening. I'm over it, I have better things to do, but obviously Capn' doesn't everytime I come back to laugh at this discussion, capn' is still on responding to my subject. I really don't care for this anymore. Later.

Are you kidding me the only thing you do on this board is flame if not directly then indirectly , have you ever said anything positive to anybody , everytime someone starts a thread you the first if not one of the first to say something negative , heaven forbid somebody post their new website ,and sure enough there's wwwpolice (Short_Fuse) telling that person to go get a real domain name or some other lovely comment , not to mention that you decided to start a squad , decided to stay with your squad and drop the whole idea in a matter of what 3 hrs, but one of my favorites is in the thread "How many members in your squad" your reply of and I quote "17 n00bs and counting. ¥PC¥" , dang your squad mates must just love you , and if they do none of them must know you real well . It's fairly simple to understand where I'm coming from , I just did a name search and read about 40 or 50 post , and the only reason I did this was because I thought to myself ,"he can't have something negative to say on every post he's made" man was I proven wrong, I mean really just look thru the quote above " everytime I come back in here to laugh at this discussion" a thread which you started , and please don't try to say you were laughing at caps posts , because you've made it clear what your all about.

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