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Cameron Mitchel 11-11-2006 10:42 AM

Ideas On Next Delta Force Game

:confused: did my other thread get deleted for some reason. I dont know.:confused: EDIT: Nevermind.

ANYWAY> My idea is a Delta Force: Future Force Warrior or just DF: Future Warrior. I believe that Novalogic could pull off a more realistic "Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter" of sorts. We've already had DF: Land Warrior (a real military program). Then we had DF:BHD after that. Now, Wouldn't it be good to have a game with the succesor to the Land Warrior program (the 2010 Future Force Warrior Program)?

Technology and the Future Warrior: Protecting Soldiers in the 21st Century

Mstenger404 11-11-2006 05:53 PM

first things first,

nova actually making another game

but hey, that would be cool, especialy with a landwarrior system that allows u to peek around corners, lets see how much base raping we can do then!

Cameron Mitchel 11-12-2006 06:43 PM


Originally posted by Mstenger404
first things first,

nova actually making another game

but hey, that would be cool, especialy with a landwarrior system that allows u to peek around corners, lets see how much base raping we can do then!

They are. What is it again?

Mstenger404 11-12-2006 06:54 PM

we dont even know if they are making another game.

Cameron Mitchel 11-12-2006 07:00 PM


Originally posted by Mstenger404
we dont even know if they are making another game.
Can't wait til they make a new game. It'd most likely be good, like the other ones. But, I would like it to be set either in the modern era or the near future (e.g. 2010-2017).

teej 11-12-2006 07:55 PM

if they make another game, all i can tell them is to make the running, straifing and everything else of the models to go over smooth, none of the skippy, amazinly fast turn **** that they have been know of doing. i.e. refer to cs, cod2, bf.

Lucky 11-12-2006 08:10 PM

They have alot of new standerds to come up too. as of the new bf serials.

Hellfighter 11-12-2006 09:30 PM

none it done with, think they need to move on to something new.

maybe in the same line only of this day of age. freaking meddle east jerks wars.

it counts all so will it only support Dx 10 or lower, and will it be a new stander software that work with the new windows Vista OS.

then again will it only work best with high speed users as will newer version of Video Card were it leave others in the dust.

only time will tell.

think it be better they come out with anew game totally, it count's be a real world game but i think it be cooler as a spy type one be sweet a CIA type game. now thats something no one done.


Originally posted by Cameron Mitchel

:confused: did my other thread get deleted for some reason. I dont know.:confused: EDIT: Nevermind.

ANYWAY> My idea is a Delta Force: Future Force Warrior or just DF: Future Warrior. I believe that Novalogic could pull off a more realistic "Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter" of sorts. We've already had DF: Land Warrior (a real military program). Then we had DF:BHD after that. Now, Wouldn't it be good to have a game with the succesor to the Land Warrior program (the 2010 Future Force Warrior Program)?

Technology and the Future Warrior: Protecting Soldiers in the 21st Century

suit is nice but will not save you from a IED or a 500bls bomb.

fire fight maybe if you don't hit in the face, mask sucks never hear thing, a face mask all enclose limited sound you need to hear all things around you.

don't care for the armor VISTA ether. look bulky

never work in the meddle east when it hot you die real fast not for foot warriors.

suit look like made for paint-ball then in a real war combat zone.

helmet (Left side with the front cover on) has a flash light on it what do i like to say will,

Hey i am here shot at my light it all nice and bright for you, you knock out the light you know you got a head-shot.

don't think it be good in a NBC war zone ether. not air tight

look at the pants they look skin tight not good at all, they need to breath, man they would kill you if they was on that tight. all show

Cameron Mitchel 11-13-2006 05:08 PM


Originally posted by Chief ADFP
none it done with, think they need to move on to something new.

maybe in the same line only of this day of age. freaking meddle east jerks wars.

it counts all so will it only support Dx 10 or lower, and will it be a new stander software that work with the new windows Vista OS.

then again will it only work best with high speed users as will newer version of Video Card were it leave others in the dust.

only time will tell.

think it be better they come out with anew game totally, it count's be a real world game but i think it be cooler as a spy type one be sweet a CIA type game. now thats something no one done.

suit is nice but will not save you from a IED or a 500bls bomb.

fire fight maybe if you don't hit in the face, mask sucks never hear thing, a face mask all enclose limited sound you need to hear all things around you.

don't care for the armor VISTA ether. look bulky

never work in the meddle east when it hot you die real fast not for foot warriors.

suit look like made for paint-ball then in a real war combat zone.

helmet (Left side with the front cover on) has a flash light on it what do i like to say will,

Hey i am here shot at my light it all nice and bright for you, you knock out the light you know you got a head-shot.

don't think it be good in a NBC war zone ether. not air tight

look at the pants they look skin tight not good at all, they need to breath, man they would kill you if they was on that tight. all show

Watch the vid I posted at the bottom of my first post. Watch it, and think again about alot of the stuff you say the suit CAN'T do.

Mstenger404 11-13-2006 05:24 PM


Originally posted by Chief ADFP
think it be better they come out with anew game totally, it count's be a real world game but i think it be cooler as a spy type one be sweet a CIA type game. now thats something no one done.

splinter cell anyone?


~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 11-14-2006 05:35 AM

I'd like a game with that Land Warrior/ Future Force Craputto and some Special Forces tactics, and by that I mean stuff like CQB, room-clearing, stealth inflitration, prolonged excursions behind enemy lines, and sneaking up behind some turd and slitting his throat or strangling him with a piece of string and doing that and using nice guns, like a SCAR or hk-416 (The M8 project's been all bummed up).


Originally posted by Chief ADFP

helmet (Left side with the front cover on) has a flash light on it what do i like to say will,

Hey i am here shot at my light it all nice and bright for you, you knock out the light you know you got a head-shot.

Uhh, with respect, sir, I think that the thing on right part of the helmet is not a flashlight, but a camera, like the sort of thing you can see on Swat 4 or GRAW. The red thing on the left is a laser designator.

Cameron Mitchel 11-14-2006 04:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by ~Sgt.Squirmitz~
I'd like a game with that Land Warrior/ Future Force Craputto and some Special Forces tactics, and by that I mean stuff like CQB, room-clearing, stealth inflitration, prolonged excursions behind enemy lines, and sneaking up behind some turd and slitting his throat or strangling him with a piece of string and doing that and using nice guns, like a SCAR or hk-416 (The M8 project's been all bummed up).

Uhh, with respect, sir, I think that the thing on right part of the helmet is not a flashlight, but a camera, like the sort of thing you can see on Swat 4 or GRAW. The red thing on the left is a laser designator.

Correct. I got some more pics of the uniform, which was designed by CRYE Precision. If you want them, then search for CRYE PRECISION combat shirt. Then, you'll see Click that. Here, here is a link: and

Cameron Mitchel 11-14-2006 04:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Cameron Mitchel
Correct. I got some more pics of the uniform, which was designed by CRYE Precision. If you want them, then search for CRYE PRECISION combat shirt. Then, you'll see Click that. Here, here is a link: and
Not sure if you can add two attachments to one post, but here is one more of the helmet:

-Tigger- 11-14-2006 04:42 PM

ive had 2 pinch the pc from selina 2 make this post..

tbh, nova wont make another big hit game for the PC.. after their mess ups in JO and then the complaints from DFX.. they wont, i see them heading in2 the console world

with something like 1 in 3 houses in the northern part of the north/south divide (google it if u dont kno wot i mean) having a console its the biggest market.

as for all that armor and suits.. i wouldn't wear that.. im sorry, but in the battlefield (not that ive experienced it..) speed and ability to move easily is essential, just give me a basic kelvar vest..

chief is rite about the heat, especially with the face mask (im sorry but dont c it having A/C in it..), would work well in city and jungle (possibly, altho the humidity would more than like steam it up) environments but not the desert climate.. also that suit would do f all to protect u from an i.e.d.. but then again, no suit ever will, at least in our lifetime..

the helmet, well, the 1 side has a flashlight and the other is the laser and camera.. tbh i think the modern equipment thats been developed for the army is pants.. its going to be over priced, and cost gov's a fortune

Hellfighter 11-14-2006 05:11 PM

i was think all them gear/weapon the arm force buying up thats is a whole lot of money spent on junk.

let see buy a M16 or a Saw it only last maybe four year then its trash for good. reason them weapons build up a lot of "Rads" and they be come to hot for health reason.

the gear other then the combat suit the US-Army Infantry men have to pay out the nose for them in the story on the base. god know what the price are going for now day

Pants BDU:
Boots a pair:
Shirt top BDU:

they are not freebies.

as for the Gear they were into combat thats is a freebie unless they lose it then they have to pay as it the item they lost were anew price even if it was a 3yrs old the one they lost.

if they lose their weapons for good, it the end for them jail time no if ans about it. but if they can find it they get to lose money and free time! for some after hour work or KP time in the field. A15 punishment

in the old days the US-Army use to give them their cloth on their back for free for serving in the service. not anymore $$$$$

Maybe KillerBee can give us a Price on what they have to buy in the on base store for their cloths they have to buy "Battle Dress Uniform" (BDU)
think what really kill off on a lot of players for JO & DFX is that dran anti-lag cheat they are using it kills the game play for none cheaters. they started in DF:BHD and made it even wroste in the newer game who like to skip back and forth for no reason at all, or get kickoff on a helo do to their servers can't tell they are on it. man i did a lot of air drop for no reason do to that freaky anti-lag thing. kill it off for me.

i play a lot of co-op only do to it not so lagging in it for me other wise it deadend game. for JO-DFX

Cameron Mitchel 11-15-2006 05:20 PM


Originally posted by Chief ADFP
i was think all them gear/weapon the arm force buying up thats is a whole lot of money spent on junk.

let see buy a M16 or a Saw it only last maybe four year then its trash for good. reason them weapons build up a lot of "Rads" and they be come to hot for health reason.

the gear other then the combat suit the US-Army Infantry men have to pay out the nose for them in the story on the base. god know what the price are going for now day

Pants BDU:
Boots a pair:
Shirt top BDU:

they are not freebies.

as for the Gear they were into combat thats is a freebie unless they lose it then they have to pay as it the item they lost were anew price even if it was a 3yrs old the one they lost.

if they lose their weapons for good, it the end for them jail time no if ans about it. but if they can find it they get to lose money and free time! for some after hour work or KP time in the field. A15 punishment

in the old days the US-Army use to give them their cloth on their back for free for serving in the service. not anymore $$$$$

Maybe KillerBee can give us a Price on what they have to buy in the on base store for their cloths they have to buy "Battle Dress Uniform" (BDU)
think what really kill off on a lot of players for JO & DFX is that dran anti-lag cheat they are using it kills the game play for none cheaters. they started in DF:BHD and made it even wroste in the newer game who like to skip back and forth for no reason at all, or get kickoff on a helo do to their servers can't tell they are on it. man i did a lot of air drop for no reason do to that freaky anti-lag thing. kill it off for me.

i play a lot of co-op only do to it not so lagging in it for me other wise it deadend game. for JO-DFX

What are you talking about? The new BDUs are already out. The system for the soldier is already proven to work. The suits have already been proven to help the soldiers, much more than the former US Infantry Gear. It's already proven to cool the soldier down. The stuff works. So what are you talking about?

Hellfighter 11-15-2006 06:27 PM

it look way tight to the skin and gee man look at it, should be loose on the body not tight

yea i am a US-Army Infantry men i was one for 10yrs so i know what i am saying.

yea i know what it been ok and what was ok by bribes as will they got boosted and now the troop got to us these crappy thing that were ok for them should never been ok.

your so call BDU suit is a joke. i can only see it fall greatly short on saving life's if anything it may help them get more kill in a real war zone.

BB even agreed with me

i am not some young punk kids telling this to you! I'm 46yrs old man who was in the infantry for 10 long years. full active duty service reg-army infantry. been around the world 3x over and server in 11 country's around the world. on top of that i am a war time vet as will.

death don't have a smiley face at all. they are dead there no then at all funny about it. dead is dead.

if i think there no then good about the suit! i don't think it would work in a real war zone if anything it will down grade the combat soldier life do to it cut off their resource he need to live by.

in Washington they got people boosted for given a green light ok on item to use in combat battlefield! only they found these people who ok! bribed they got kick backs and the item they ok were junk to start with. it was on the news watch it more.

i am finsh this is total junk item you have there sorry i say it a junk item i mean it no joke.

Mstenger404 11-15-2006 07:59 PM

i really like the camera on there, especialy in GRAW, to see what me teamates are up to:fu: to make sure they arent doing anything dirty. i wish (in GRAW) we could see through the camera when they were dead so i can see what they were killed by without risking a peek, due to the absence of the camera on the gun for gun peeking instead of leaning out and risking getting shot in the head. but hey, we can see what they got killed by with the top down view from a satelite straight to my HUD built into my helmet, and even give orders to my teamates that way too. no anti-democracy rebel gonna take out my teamates. :guns:

Cameron Mitchel 11-17-2006 04:21 PM


Originally posted by Chief ADFP
it look way tight to the skin and gee man look at it, should be loose on the body not tight

yea i am a US-Army Infantry men i was one for 10yrs so i know what i am saying.

yea i know what it been ok and what was ok by bribes as will they got boosted and now the troop got to us these crappy thing that were ok for them should never been ok.

your so call BDU suit is a joke. i can only see it fall greatly short on saving life's if anything it may help them get more kill in a real war zone.

BB even agreed with me

i am not some young punk kids telling this to you! I'm 46yrs old man who was in the infantry for 10 long years. full active duty service reg-army infantry. been around the world 3x over and server in 11 country's around the world. on top of that i am a war time vet as will.

death don't have a smiley face at all. they are dead there no then at all funny about it. dead is dead.

if i think there no then good about the suit! i don't think it would work in a real war zone if anything it will down grade the combat soldier life do to it cut off their resource he need to live by.

in Washington they got people boosted for given a green light ok on item to use in combat battlefield! only they found these people who ok! bribed they got kick backs and the item they ok were junk to start with. it was on the news watch it more.

i am finsh this is total junk item you have there sorry i say it a junk item i mean it no joke.

Hey, look at Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter pics. Those renderings of the soldiers are more accurate than the pic I have: from military morons:: Most of the gear- almost like what our troops today have. But with the body armor chassis and other gear:::

Hellfighter 11-17-2006 06:22 PM

long time ago they was talking about tag all the people in the service who are severing in a combat zone so if they are AOL or can't be counted for they can locate the asap. without the all the searching. GPS

think the people in the hill (Washington Dc) turn it down do to cost

the tag would be inserted into the body of a fighter personnel

Cameron Mitchel 11-17-2006 08:42 PM


Originally posted by Chief ADFP
long time ago they was talking about tag all the people in the service who are severing in a combat zone so if they are AOL or can't be counted for they can locate the asap. without the all the searching. GPS

think the people in the hill (Washington Dc) turn it down do to cost

the tag would be inserted into the body of a fighter personnel

Good to know. A little OT I might add, but THAT would be good for the army. But, see, the final concept for the Future Force Warrior Program isn't tight on the body.

Chrispy 11-18-2006 01:52 PM

That fella in the GRAW pic looks kinda like the ''future warrior'' pics lol.

I gotta agree with Cameron Mitchel. With the ears thing, that's a bit comfuzzling but I've got a pretty good idea how it works. RADIO! :p

Chris_OJB_DF645 --:D

Mstenger404 11-18-2006 03:40 PM


Originally posted by Chris_OJB_DF645
That fella in the GRAW pic looks kinda like the ''future warrior'' pics lol.
Chris_OJB_DF645 --:D

*slaps chris*

Cameron Mitchel 11-18-2006 08:21 PM


Originally posted by Mstenger404
*slaps chris*

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