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Talon>SE<e 03-28-2004 10:01 AM

There is a God and He has a Son named Jesus. This Man will be who you answer to, not some forum on a gamming web site! If you really wanna know, and you just can't wait, take your life and rid this precious earth of another Judas. I have a feeling you can not pull the trigger out of fear, and that fear is because your soul is not straight and hell is upon you. Do the right thing man, don't be a cancerous organism sucking up the hope of mankind like a grubby old earth worm. In other words, SHUT UP!

Stu 03-28-2004 11:06 AM

Well said BadDog

Hexadecimal 03-30-2004 07:11 PM

It is completely impossible for the earth, or anything else in the universe to appear by random chance, and scientists have proved this time and time again. The structural pattern that exists in many microrganisms is so incredibly complex that the idea that they appeared by chance is completely ridiculous. There has to be a creator, otherwise you, me, or anything else on this planet simply would not exist! Just think, for even the smallest and simplest of all life forms, the conditions must be just right for them to exist. So how could humans (being the most complex of all organisms) just come to exist by chance? Very clearly God created us!
And anyone who who STILL believes otherwise should read a book called "Exploring Creation With Biology" By Dr. Jay L. Wile. Find it at the library and READ IT! It's a great book, and you'll be happy you checked it out.

Hellfighter 03-30-2004 07:41 PM

Got me today there is no god or devil at all!!

And after; 200yr-10ml years down the road. Who will tell us if there is one, seem both of them don' like to talk at all or even say hi let us know they there. I say there is no god or devil and a lot of them church cult leaders like to con people in to get them rich. Man what a con job and the law can’t do a thing to stop them. Me I like to see god/devil give them a license so we know who is who the real thing or a con artist.

Doper-ISK- 03-31-2004 01:28 AM

lol true adfp theology is all about manipulation and if to tribes start talking bout god soon there will be no1 left the fact that religion still exist is becuz the weapon industries needs to get the hype into ppl brains that they have to fight eachother cuz they dont believe the same things otherwise they cant sell all their kalashnikovs.if ppl stop talking about it and get on with their lives this industrie would collapse thats my opinion.evry religion teaches that peeps who are not the same probably are possesed and they need to be converted wich will not happen so they start fighting we got here is not important just how we gonna stay here and god aint here to we love and respect a god and start fighting every one who doesnt or could we agree for a true higher purpose wich is peace(and online warfare:p )

BADDOG 03-31-2004 02:37 AM

I have to say that it looks like this is one of those debates that can never end and probably has, and always will, test the brains of theologians amd lay people alike.

Like patriotism it envokes strong and very deep feeling about who we are and what we believe in.

As I've said in a previous post, we can all agree to differ and that is far better than shooting at each other over who's god is right and who's god is wrong, in the words of Winston Churchill, "Jaw, jaw is better that war, war!"

Thanks for your kind comments Tecoma2!

Warmest Regards to all:)!

SilentTrigger 04-06-2004 02:37 PM

This is still going on? Damn!

Reticle 04-06-2004 06:28 PM

For those of you who don't believe, please explain to me how random bits of matter floating about in space after the big bang somehow managed to arrange themselves into a living organism, and then that living organism managed to survive long enough in the incredibly inhospitable time of the beginning to reproduce, and eventually evolve into a lifeform as complex as humans are.

Steve 04-06-2004 06:49 PM

just a quickie - where did god come from?

Steve 04-06-2004 06:54 PM

surely the belief that "God has no beginning and no end. So, where did God come from? He didn't. He always was." is no more unbelievable than the big bang theory and evolution?

Hellfighter 04-06-2004 07:54 PM

the tag is in guy there is no real god, only the rule of life & Death. soon come to you all the ID Tag to ware and to live by.

SilentTrigger 04-07-2004 09:45 AM


Originally posted by Reticle
For those of you who don't believe, please explain to me how random bits of matter floating about in space after the big bang somehow managed to arrange themselves into a living organism, and then that living organism managed to survive long enough in the incredibly inhospitable time of the beginning to reproduce, and eventually evolve into a lifeform as complex as humans are.
Magnetism, the thing we cant live without! ;)

FUÑÑY (*¿*) 04-07-2004 04:31 PM

history ...... what is it???? HIS story !!!!!!!!

Faith is what we are talking about here.

some have it
some need it

it takes more faith to ASSume that people came from a big bang theory, a monkey, an amebea, a frog, or any other othe concoction you might dream up. humans are WWWWAAAAYYYY to complex for science to understand.

Think on this: many religions around the world... they all think that they are the right one and that their "God" is the correct one to serve.
CHRISTIANITY is the true religion!!!
WHY? because all other religions require man to do "something" to get to "heaven" but CHRISTIANITY doesn't ... Christ died for us so we don't have to pay that price ourselves.

He died to save you even if you don't believe in Him

zza1pqx 04-09-2004 10:17 AM

Iin fact Christianity is the ONLY major religion that demands you do something.
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism.
All say if you are good and true to yourself and your neighbour then that is all that can be expected of you.

Only extremists of these religions say otherwise and they are minority figures.

Christianity says that because Christ died for our sins only those that take Jesus into their hearts will be saved.

Funny. I am not going to argue which religion is the real one because in fact the three dominant ones are all the same. They all have the same old testemant and they all refernece each others prophets as being representative of the God.

Nor will I describe what I believe. I might be Muslim, Buddhist or Catholic, thats not the point.

The point is your post is nonesense.
It is only Christianity that belives in itself to the fervour you describe. Even Christian leaders acknowledge this.

zza1pqx 04-09-2004 10:22 AM

There is also no reason why both bigbang and religious history cannot be one and the same.

Where did God come from? The big bang.
How did life evolve?
God acted on the universal components.
What does that say about the Adam and Eve creation myth?
Nothing. It says only that it was written by men trying to describe Gods actions with no ability to see it from Gods point of view.

Or you could say both are poop.

Spazz 04-09-2004 01:29 PM

i cant say that i believe in a god. say i'm going to hell or whatever it doesnt bother me

Mastadon=TH= 04-09-2004 03:11 PM

God or No god?
Religion is not the enemy. It's the people that do evil in the name of thier religion. I feel that you could consider science a religion of sorts also. Not so much that it is god, but in there faith that it is the only way to explain our existence apart from God. I have faith in the Lord, and if I accept him as my savior and follow his example and teachings, that I'll be rewarded with eternity in Heaven. So when I die, what have I lost? We all have a choice about how we live our lives, what we do and do not believe. We should not force our beliefs on others, just give them the chance to decide for themselves. My only question is it really worth the risk to not believe? There is a whole lot more at stake here than most of us know or can even understand, let alone try to explain.

A TIN OF DEATH 04-09-2004 05:20 PM

If there was a god who ummmm is supposed to have all this power do you really think there would be so much pain and suffering in world :eek:
Plus the fact if there was i wouldn't have to work :rolleyes:

Steve 04-09-2004 06:06 PM

yeah that's one thing ive never understood. ^^

i believe in science, dinosaurs, the ice age and evolution.
from what i gather according to cristinanity, dinosaurs died out not much longer then 2000 years ago, and the ice age didnt exist.

Spazz 04-09-2004 06:26 PM

and the earth was created in 6 days or sumthing...and jesus came back to life on sunday

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