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nonamesniper 02-18-2008 07:29 PM

I love the novahq , he have good players , and support me

I love this site

Hellfighter 02-18-2008 08:15 PM


Originally posted by nonamesniper
I love the novahq , he have good players , and support me

I love this site

you mean: I love the novahq , they have good players and they support me

glade you feel that way, but after 2 post you can say that must be really good feeling you have there lmao

Chrispy 02-18-2008 08:59 PM

Did you guys ever think that maybe all those names like "Black Ops" and "Angel Falls" are actually names describing the DF title instead of the actual name?

Like for example, those phrases are there to inform you what's happening in the new game. "Black Ops" might imply that there's gonna be some black ops, and "Angel Falls" might mean that it's going to be around in South America.


Hellfighter 02-18-2008 09:28 PM

look in google for Angel falls

there are many location around the world that water falls and location use the name angel falls

its really a common use name

south America has the tall water fall name angel falls.

name like: Delta Force: Drug Wars

but maybe the location the game play is around Angel falls in south America? who knows till we see the game and see if there is any real water falls in it at all that match up with Angel falls till then we have to wait and see

atholon 02-18-2008 10:01 PM

pretty sad that Novalogic couldn`t let their LARGEST fansite know before deciding to plaster it on their main page.

As usual....the retarded lack of information ... trying to get people hyped up just to disappoint (which they have done a fair share of in the latest games they have released).

atholon 02-18-2008 10:04 PM


E AI nonamesniper? Como voce ta?

hehe couldn`t resist

Chrispy 02-19-2008 01:24 AM

I doubt Nova would centre their game around that particular water fall (it does seem cheesy), but it can happen.

Nova's been really lazy about everything lately, so I'm not too suprised such a cr*ppy poster was shown for it...

Chris :D

LilDude 02-19-2008 01:35 AM

well on the movie major payne, he sends the boys on a "black ops mission" to STEAL a trophy lol. its been comming on alot lately

nonamesniper 02-19-2008 07:48 PM

E aew
e aew , você é Brasilero ????

Mstenger404 02-19-2008 08:56 PM

when i saw "angel falls" i thought of it as there are war veterans, and their are war heros

and a hero dies and its to realise that your dealing with an enemy far more powerful than you now

Mstenger404 02-19-2008 08:56 PM

edit: you look at war heros like angels

atholon 02-19-2008 11:01 PM

@ No name,

nao cara so american mas fique bastante tempo ai, no brazil. Morava em Ribeirao Preto, voce mora em qual regiao?

Hellfighter 02-19-2008 11:20 PM


Originally posted by atholon
@ No name,

nao cara so american mas fique bastante tempo ai, no brazil. Morava em Ribeirao Preto, voce mora em qual regiao?


not expensive american but is only sufficient time there, in the brazil. It liveed in Ribeirão Preto, you deferred payment in which region?

ok back at you:
Quantas toneladas do peixe-gato que você come nos últimos cinco anos?

Chrispy 02-20-2008 12:08 AM

Lots of catfish, Chief...


atholon 02-20-2008 01:37 PM

Comi nenhum, porque odeio peixe!

E nem usei tradutor :)

Hehe, I used to use the translater at work to tell my friend funny stuff in spanish but now that I know Portuguese, I don`t need one :)

atholon 02-20-2008 01:40 PM


not expensive american but is only sufficient time there, in the brazil. It liveed in Ribeirão Preto, you deferred payment in which region?
Hehehe, time to get another translater.

No dude, I am american but I spent a lot of time there in brazil. I lived in Ribeirao Preto (Black River). Which region do you live in?

Sorry for taking the thread off topic.
Please press the slap Ath button on your keyboard and I will stop (I promise).

Scott 02-20-2008 10:40 PM

I dont have that key :(...

hehe :)

NitroViper 02-21-2008 09:48 PM

If you guys think Nova will release a game that rivals anything COD4 has done.. IE Graphics, Missions, you'll be greatly disappointed.

But what Nova does do best, builds a multi player game, one easy to make maps for, long range to close range action. Great gameplay.

Things I'm afraid of, Bullet spread like JO, Bullets dissolving after a certain distance, DFX, even tho they fixed it, It ruined the game right from the start.

Dumbass Vehicles.... COD4 doesn't have vehicles, guess what, its the most played FPS ever... CSS doesn't have Vehicles and is one of the Most successful games ever. The main problem with COD4 and CSS is the maps are so damn tiny, It makes multiplayer suck.

Go back to the basics, games these days are so damn complicated they are no fun to play... Remember DF2, LW, 2 minutes your in a server having a great time...

Nova better give up and the stupid vehicles and go back to it's roots. Infantry.

Scott 02-21-2008 11:10 PM

I agree with the no vehicals.. it's the reason I stopped playing DF...

I don't think any of us think a NovaLogic game can rival big time games like COD4 in Graphics etc. But there are many of us that love the gameplay NovaLogic creates... I personally don't give a rats arse about eye candy.. all i want is gameplay.

I hope they get back to their roots, if a new game like DF1, DF2 or DFLW came out i'd be hooked all over again.

Chrispy 02-21-2008 11:48 PM

Although I do prefer vehicle combat over strictly infantry combat, I do think vehicle combat has kinda ruined the franchise.

Seriously, you're Delta Force, not a damn tank driver, and a helo pilot, and an APC driver, etc. etc...

Delta Force has been about the guys on foot...


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