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RËVØ£ÛTÎØѫź¹» 08-28-2003 08:15 PM


Originally posted by XCAL
i just got to double post... this post is scaring me.. lil dude u scaring me.
what the hell... no wondering back in 3rd grade my friend smelled like a pile of dog ****!

RéñègåÐë 08-28-2003 09:10 PM

no doubt
no dought about it THERE IS A GOD WEaTHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.....

blueprint 08-28-2003 09:23 PM

Re: no doubt

Originally posted by RéñègåÐë
no dought about it THERE IS A GOD WEaTHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.....

actually there is a doubt about it...... Prove to me there is, and I'll give you 10 dolla's

moreph 08-29-2003 10:22 AM

this is an example of how relgion causes so many problems in the world today, do u really think there would be so much violence if there was no religon? Al Queda etc and even here in the west, protistants and catholic problems in ireland etc

BADDOG 08-29-2003 11:03 AM

Isn't this getting slightly of track from the original question guys i.e. "is there a god or not"? It's surely up to the individual and their own conscience to decide if they choose to believe or not?

The fact is that many wars and much suffering has been caused by religious beliefs of one kind or another and as we are now in the 21st century and much more advanced surely we can question our different views with out resorting to shouting at each other just because we have a difference of opinion on the subject matter?

Is this how the relgious wars of the past and present began, an argument that led to or leads to a conflict in which many suffer because of a religious belief?

If god exists (or what ever you choose to call him) does he not tell us to be good and kind to each other, to live in harmony with each other? Instead we seem to spend our time saying his/her view of religion is different to mine there fore he/she is my enemy!

Is there really a need for religion in the modern world? If it causes so much conflict should we not abolish it and prevent more wars and more suffering?

No one can stop another person choosing to believe in some thing if they really want to but, as we are all talking about the same god ( supposedly) why are there these dreadful and violent differences in our beliefs?

The muslim faith has been hi jacked by certain fanatics to further their own ends as we witnessed on 9/11, is this what a god would want? Any god? Mindless evil acts that kill the innocent?


Sal UK 08-30-2003 08:55 PM


Originally posted by BADDOG
Isn't this getting slightly of track from the original question guys i.e. "is there a god or not"? It's surely up to the individual and their own conscience to decide if they choose to believe or not?

The fact is that many wars and much suffering has been caused by religious beliefs of one kind or another and as we are now in the 21st century and much more advanced surely we can question our different views with out resorting to shouting at each other just because we have a difference of opinion on the subject matter?

Is this how the relgious wars of the past and present began, an argument that led to or leads to a conflict in which many suffer because of a religious belief?

If god exists (or what ever you choose to call him) does he not tell us to be good and kind to each other, to live in harmony with each other? Instead we seem to spend our time saying his/her view of religion is different to mine there fore he/she is my enemy!

Is there really a need for religion in the modern world? If it causes so much conflict should we not abolish it and prevent more wars and more suffering?

No one can stop another person choosing to believe in some thing if they really want to but, as we are all talking about the same god ( supposedly) why are there these dreadful and violent differences in our beliefs?

The muslim faith has been hi jacked by certain fanatics to further their own ends as we witnessed on 9/11, is this what a god would want? Any god? Mindless evil acts that kill the innocent?



Could not have put it better myself. ;)

BADDOG 08-31-2003 04:19 AM

Thank you mate, much appreciated:)!


animal_mutha 09-15-2003 09:01 AM

You've go my vote there BADDOG. Well said...errrr... typed. I'm a muslim myself, it felt relly good to know that there's people like you that understand the facts. I thank you again. We suffered a couple of whiplash from the 9/11 incident.

There's no faith nor god in the world or in any religion that encourages war. Unless we're livin' in the dark ages where the people worship their pagan gods. Even the God of War. Remember the Vikings? War was part of their religion.

Love & respect one-another no matter what their skin color, faith, language or name....

bridge the gap

BADDOG 09-15-2003 10:37 AM

Thanks for the kind words bro:).

Warmest Regards

Nev 09-15-2003 05:01 PM

i personally believe in science

someone once said "religion is for those who have nothing else"
religion/faith is a way for people to cope with life. if you have everything you want/need, then what do you need a god for?

but as for religion on the larger scale, IMO it's just a sorry excuse of the leader (be it king or president) to motivate the masses to go to war.

Alcide 09-15-2003 10:27 PM

All religions to me is a metaphore for hope. Our society is based on hope, technology, and growing. Without these, we are doomed. Imagine what people will do when they find out that their is no heaven.

Then again, I believe in hell. Hell, in my opinion is not fire and brimstone. To me, it is darkness, lonelyness, absolute silence, no love... nothing. That, to me, is worse then being burned for eternity. About 2 years ago I was helping my 7 year old cusin clean his tree house. I actcidently tripped and fell, ending up hitting my head on a stumped 1.5 stories down. I couldnt see, or feel anything. Finally about 10 seconds later I can see my uncle greg doing something to my back and head. Then the feeling returned and I heard him say that "I've been dead for about 6 mins." And I trust is observation sence he was a field medic during gulf war.

What happened to heaven, or the fires of hell? I didnt see anything. Which is why I say my definition of hell is not fire, or brimstone. but pure nothing.

My opinon

animal_mutha 09-15-2003 11:31 PM

Then again, I believe in hell. Hell, in my opinion is not fire and brimstone. To me, it is darkness, lonelyness, absolute silence, no love... nothing. That, to me, is worse then being burned for eternity.

My opinon [/B][/QUOTE]

errrr.... i've been there before then... i visited it once or twice.... hehehe... just kidding mate... just trying to lighten things up... this thread is getting more weird .... quite a bunch of idealist we got here.

BADDOG 09-16-2003 09:14 AM

It's a hard subject to debate religion. There are so many points of view about it and I guess we will all find out one day if there is a god or not, in the time we have we just have to try and get along with each other, respect each others beliefs and opinions and hopefully, live more or less in harmony after all we only have one world and this is it guys:)!

Warmest Regards:)

animal_mutha 09-16-2003 10:14 PM

I would love to shake your hand BADDOG....

BADDOG for president!!!!

well said

Diamond Bullet 09-17-2003 03:08 AM

yea BADDOG, very well done mate.. I think you put "most" peoples beliefs into word very well there. I certainly feel the same way about it.

Alcide - There are studies which suggest that the human brain can see things while dead. I dont know the actual facts though..

BADDOG 09-21-2003 09:14 AM

Hi Diamond:)!

Thx for the kind words bro:)!!!!

Regards:) ;) :cool: :D

GeneralPatton 09-23-2003 08:53 PM

There totally is a God! Im a very religious man!! :D Read a Bible and You'll see there is a God and hopefully you'll be saved by the lord!

Alcide 09-24-2003 04:27 PM


Black6~ODA~ 09-24-2003 10:42 PM

I'm not going to tell you whether or not I believe, or don't believe. I'm going to tell you this though. Science can not disprove the existence of God, any more than it can properly explain life, or even something thats not even alive, a rock.

There are too many things we don't know, and will never know, about how this world works. You can believe there is no God all you want, but you have no way of knowing there isn't one. Where in the bible does it tell us plain out, that God will appear in front of you and give you all you desire. According to the bible no mortal man can hear, see, touch, feel, or anything about God unless you have died or it his will. Nothing in the bible tells you that God will physically come down, take a woman that you asked for and give her to you. I see where people can say that the bible is wrong or inacurate, but how do we know, it may be us that is wrong or inacurate. Lets look at our science and math, its nothing but theorems and postulates, everything is assumed to be true, because in a world, that we assume to have infinite possibilities, we can never actually prove them to be true. We know what the building block of matter is, the atom. We can see the atom, we can split it, fuse it to another one, build with em, and are even making atomic machines. We can see the protons, neutrons, and electrons. Though there is one thing that we will never know, how did it come to be? Why does it act in this way? How can those damned little things come together to create something that lives, something that thinks?

When you get down to the smallest possible particle and the deepest reasoning, you can figure out why. The fact that we exist is not logical, life is not logical. Hell, God ain't logical, but its more logical that we are when you get down to it.

animal_mutha 09-24-2003 10:54 PM

What do u guys think about people trying to be 'gods'? I'm not talkin about bruce allmighty here. What's your say to 'human-cloning'?

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