View Full Version : DFBarracks Sold!

07-13-2002, 03:47 AM
This was posted by HaSke at <a href="http://www.dfbarracks.com" target="_blank">DF Barracks</a>

Our website has been sold!!
You can no longer bid on our website.

Thank you for your thrust in me running DFBarracks,
I had a great time serving the DF community with all the latest information around.
Please dont leave the Barracks, Im sure that the website is in good hands (thrust me).

DFBarracks will return soon, but then without me.

Good luck future owners.

HakSke signs out and will not sign in anymore, goodbye Delta Force!!

07-14-2002, 12:01 PM
Ahhhhhhh who did u sell it to?? DA were hoping to buy it.....