View Full Version : DFCenter closes for awhile.

06-08-2002, 05:45 PM
Shrike writes:

I wanted to inform you all that I have decided to close DFCenter down for a little while. During this time DFCenter.com will be redirected to Sniper-Shot.net (DeltaForceCenter)

While we are shut down, I plan to re-organise a lot of things and try my best to make DFCenter better then what it is. I have had a lot of squads come to me and ask me when my tournaments were gona be ready. Well, the problem that I have is time. Time is killing me and I have to get a few things strightened out with myself and do some things that DFCenter has been proventing me from doing.

DFCenter is greatful and wishes to thank every single player and visitor that came to our site. We would also like to thank all the staff that have worked for and are working for us for all there help.

I will have to say that DFCenter has had good times and it has had bad time. I am pleased to say that most of them were good times all thanks to you all.
My email address will still work and for all those people that have signed up for our free redirect service, your account will still exist and will still work. In addition, for all those that have asked us to review your site, don't worry, we will still review your site.

My goals for DFcenter is to re-open is eventually with tournaments and files downloads that people want. The tournaments won't just be the normal every day tournaments either so when we re-open our doors, don't be surprised if you see something different.

Anyways, thank you all for your support and I look forward to seeing you all agian later on. I will always be available to help people so don't hesitate to email me with your questions. The only differnet from right now and then is that I don't have a website right now but my devotion to you and helping other websites when called a pon still exists.

Thank you all for your help and cya all arround the front lines and beyond.

06-08-2002, 11:01 PM
:( That sucks...:|