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Website: www.geocities.com/stovk64/dfbhd.html 2,277 Views Added 02/14/2005 Add Comment PermaLink

Q: Hello! What is your DF name?
A: Hello. My DF name is NAVSPECWARCOM.

Q: Which game(s) do you make maps for?
A: Mainly I make maps for both DF:BHD and Team Sabre. However I have mad maps for previous versions of DF as well.

Q: Why did you start making maps?
A: After completing all the missions in DF2 I wanted to create some of my own games. After that I was hooked.

Q: Did you find it hard at first?
A: A little bit, yes.

Q: Have you ever read the mission Editor Manual on the CD ROM?
A: Yes I did.

Q: If Yes - Was it useful or does it need more information?
A: It was useful, however if left a lot of question unanswered. That forced me to seek additional sources such as forums like the ones here at NovaHQ and elsewhere. I even came across a 3rd party re-write of the DF2 Mission Editor Manual which went into more detail.

Q: What version of the MED do you use?
A: Currently I am using the Black Hawk Down Med v2.06b. I also use Terranova’s “Unlocked” version, N.I.L.E., and the BHD Med for Joint Operations. However, I use the BHD v2.06b Med 90% of the time.

Q: What’s good about that particular one?
A: Several things. First it’s consistent in the basic commands going all the way back to DF2. Secondly it is intuitive and uses many of the standard Windows commands and layout. Lastly, I like the “wireframe” tool.

Q: Where did you get it from (if not the CD-ROM)?
A: The Official Med I got off the CD. The others I downloaded from various DF Community Websites.

Q: What is the most useful utility for a map maker apart from the actual MED?
A: I think, for me, it would have to be the “BMS to MIS Converter”. The converter allows you to learn how Nova’s Mission designers created their maps by opening them in the Med and looking at official missions.

Q: Where did you get that from?
A: NovaHQ.net

Q: Do you have a favorite item / object from the MED?
A: I have several, but if I need to pick one it would be the Concrete Center Dock. I use it a lot to create Bunkers, landing sites, platforms, tall buildings, parking lots; it’s very versatile.

Q: What is the easiest game type to make a map for?
A: For me it’s Multiplayer Maps for Black Hawk Down. You really don’t need to use Events or WAC files.

Q: What is the hardest game type to make a map for?
A: I think it would have to be Single Player maps, if you want it to be any good. Because you need to make use of Events, WACs, Area Triggers, Waypoints, and Win/Lose conditions.

Q: What is the longest time it has taken you to make a map / mission?
A: Probably about a week. But most of that was research; it was a historical setting.

Q: Was it worth it?
A: Yes because it became a great learning experience.

Q: Did you ever make a map before you found out how to zoom in / out in the MED?
A: Oh yes. Definitely.

Q: What is the most useful thing in the MED (e.g. group rotate, different terrain views, absolute height)?
A: Group rotating, Pitch change, and Absolute/Z height. It gives you freedom to create new buildings/objects from basic objects. After that I think the Wireframe view.

Q: What feature is the MED missing that would make map making a lot easier?
A: The ability to “roll items” in another spatial plane. What I mean by that is some items, like the Straight Wooden Plank for instance, you can change height, heading and pitch. However the pitch change only “rotates” the plank along its long axis. You can’t change it’s orientation to have it “stand” straight up on its short axis. Also a 3D view like N.I.L.E. has would be nice.

Q: How many maps do you think you have made?
A: Oh probably over 500; many of those never made it to final completed maps. They were mainly “test” maps to try out new ideas.

Q: Do you have your own website for your maps?
A: Yes I do but it is a VERY unprofessional site. It is just a place I created to make my maps available for anyone. That is until I came across NovaHQ. It is still up and it is at http://www.geocities.com/stovk64/dfbhd.html

Q: Do you submit your maps to any sites?
A: Yes. I have maps here at NovaHQ as well as at NovaWorld’s NovaXchange.

Q: If Yes - Do they get good reviews?
A: Some good, some so so. However, the Good is outpacing the So So. LOL!

Q: Can you name the best map you have ever played and do you know who made it?
A: I think my all time favorite has to be Nova’s Flag ball map, “Bone Yard”. I don’t know why, but I just like that map. As for user created maps, I played on a BHD:TS swamp map that was fantastic. Unfortunately, I don’t know who made it and I can’t remember the map name.

Q: Can you name any other people who make great maps (apart from yourself)?
A: I like Kip Kilagan’s tutorial maps. I learned a lot from them.

Q: How did you learn to make maps (self, website, friend etc)?
A: I came across a website called DFArena and read a post on making a MP map. After that I started tinkering with the Med and then it just took off from there.

Q: Would you like to mention anyone who has helped you out a lot?
A: The list is long and I would hate of leave anyone out but I would have to mention Kip Kilagan, Smokin@420.Bud, and ArcticWolf. They really had the patience to answer all of my questions with such detail (which, to them probably seemed so simple and basic).

Q: Do you have a tip that would be helpful to someone who was new to map making?
A: Start off with simple MP maps at first just to learn the basics. Don’t try and recreate World War II right off the bat. Also, join and read the Forums like the ones here at NovaHQ. Many of your questions have probably already been asked and answered. Lastly, just practice and don’t be afraid to try new techniques.

Q: Have you ever made a map with the full amount of items?
A: Yes. It was a dog to play too.

Q: Do you have a terrain that you like the most?
A: I like dvdg2. I like to create maps that take place both on land and in the water. I would really like to use ts_01, but Nova messed that map up and so it’s unusable due to a huge gap in the terrain which cases you to “fall through” the map.

Q: Ever make your own terrains?
A: I made a couple for Task Force Dagger. I would like to make them for Black Hawk Down, but Nova’s User Guide for its Mod Tools is very lacking in any detail. I think the DF community is still struggling with BHD terrains due to the lack of support from Nova.

Q: Is there any items / buildings / vehicles that you would like to see in the MED?
A: Oh definitely! My biggest wish is for Nova to update all the buildings/items/objects/vehicles from DF1 to DF:TFD (as well as Comanche4) to Black Hawk Down quality and make them available for Map Makers to use. Then you would see some really great maps.

For new items and such, I would like to see more urban style decorations (mail boxes, street signs, walls, etc.)

Q: Do you add a signature / your name to the maps you make?
A: Yes.

Q: If Yes - What is it made from, what does it say and where do you usually put it?
A: Just in the General Information window when I create the map.

Q: Has anyone ever stole one of your maps and claimed that they have made it?
A: Not that I know of.

Q: If someone steals a map, should the original maker be angry, flattered, or both?
A: I think both, but probably more angry. Many people put a lot of work into their maps and even though they don’t fall under “intellectual property” and are basically “un-owned” (except by NovaLogic) it’s just good etiquette to give credit where credit is due.

Q: Do you like Nova's multiplayer maps?
A: Yes I do.

Q: Do you think your maps are better?
A: I think some of my maps are better. However I do get inspiration from some of Nova’s maps.

Q: Do you like Nova's single player missions?
A: Yes and no. I like the missions, but the AI is…let’s just say not good.

Q: Do you think your missions are better?
A: I only made 2 SP missions and they were for DFLW. At the time I thought they were better. Looking back at them today, they were average.

Q: Have you ever used a BMS to MIS converter to see how another map was made?
A: Oh yes. As I stated above it’s one of my favorite tools. It lets you see how other designers solved or approached a particular situation or problem.

Q: Do you get ideas / inspiration from other maps?
A: All the time. However, being a student of Military History and still an active member in the military, I get most of my inspiration from historical events (like my Pointe du Hoc map) as well as personal experience (although exaggerated for game play).

Q: Which is better: night maps or day maps?
A: I like maps that take place during Dawn and Daytime. If I put a lot of work into a map I want people to see it and enjoy the sights.

Q: Any comments you would like to add?
A: I really think that websites like NovaHQ and others offer a great service for members of the Delta Force community and if anyone would like to get into map making, these sites are a gold mine of information.

Q: Any comments you would like Novalogic to take note of?
A: Nova should really think about being more supportive of their Mission Editing tools. More and more companies have Mod Tools these days and they seem to have better documentation and support. When Nova’s Mod Tools were released, the possibilities seemed endless; that is until it was discovered that the manual was pretty much useless and poorly written.

Thanks for your time and best of luck with the mapping in the future :)
Thank you. It was an honor to be interviewed.