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2 maps matched your criteria

By Redhawk~TBC DF1 DM 6,720 Downloads Added 11/04/2006 4 Comments PermaLink

This is a DF1 DM map I made to train my squad it has a lot of awesome spawn points plus loads of hiding places. It can be used for lots of different games. I really enjoy this map as of many of my friends. There will be lots of med and ammo packs as well.

By Redhawk~TBC DF1 DM 6,672 Downloads Added 11/04/2006 Add Comment PermaLink

El Diablo
This is a great DF1 DM map lots of places to hide and lots of ammo and med packs.
I call this El Diablo aka The Devil because looks like devil's canyon.
So get in there and take ya friends out as you run thru your paces.