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By Spinney JOE CO-OP 5,009 Downloads Added 07/17/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: Advanced Warfare 2

Spinney's AW2 Final Bonanza
AW2 Final required (build 4). SP, Coop and DMs. A collection of my previous AW2 maps but updated to the latest version. Not many changes in items just a ship and radio operator in AW 2 Falklands Beachhead (but improved gameplay after a lot of tweaking), A flame throwing tank has been added to AW 2 Die Hard and AW 2 Prison Break (apologies to Trigger Mortis for pinching, accidentally, the name) and some trees have been changed in Operation Swiftsting to reduce lag and stop any sysdumps on the smaller servers. Nothing new I’m afraid. Please let me know if there are any problems on the servers.