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By LORDROACH DFBHDTS TDM, TKOTH 13,820 Downloads Added 01/11/2018 Add Comment PermaLink

While watching television a commercial came on and it had the classical tune of "Four Seasons". So I though what if I created a map that had multiple types of terrain in it. and here is the end result! The Four seasons map has a mixture of desert, ruined buildings, tropical and jungle type of terrains. It is like most of my maps where you are restricted and can't leave the combat zone. The spawn start gives you the choice of two tunnels you can take. While moving forward to the next area each transition of areas are restricted. For example, when crossing over a wall there are only two points or "locations" you can cross over from. Some areas are a little bit open but this map does not offer a great deal of freedom.
Combat type: Close quarters
Map size: Large/Medium.
Map paths: Restricted spawn start.
Tunnel system: Yes, 2 tunnel systems at spawn start.
Water: No.
Game Modes: Team King Of The Hill/Team Death Match.