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By LORDROACH DFBHDTS TDM, TKOTH 13,844 Downloads Added 01/11/2018 Add Comment PermaLink

Message to staff: I re-sent this map to you because I did not finish the description, sorry about that!

Oh no it's invasion time! This map has an assortment of ambient sounds and small amounts of civilian activity outside of the war zone. A huge mother ship hovers above and there are some airplanes and choppers flying around. This map has some of my best work in it and was the last map I created. One of the best features of this map is a slightly flooded tunnel knee deep with water which is something I never really came across while playing in BHD servers. This map also has small amounts of details making it look like it is part of a relatively modern city. The TIL file has been added because I could not remember if it was a requirement or not.
Combat type: Open world/Close quarters.
Map size: Medium.
Map paths: Two path choices you can make at spawn start.
Tunnel system: Yes
Water: Knee Deep at the most and only in tunnel.
Game Modes: Team King Of The Hill/Team Death Match.