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By Seahawk DFBHDTS SP 14,177 Downloads Added 12/13/2017 Updated 03/23/23 Add Comment PermaLink

Techno Meat
Fourth Mission in Campaign:
There is a village under Magrucho Paulo's control from where he supplies drugs/meat to nearby villages. Attack and capture the village and destroy all drug and weapon shipments. There are civilians in the village so check your fire. There are also civilian vehicles in the area so only engage armed vehicles or vehicles carrying drugs/weapons. DO NOT DESTROY meat since it will be fed to vultures. We have to also retrieve his documents so search in every corner and every furniture.

They are heavily armed with AK-47s, RPGs, couple of armed fishing boats, a lot of technicals, armed flatbed trucks, an armed Hummer, Browning HMG and MK-19 emplacements and mortars. Armed Little Birds frequently patrol the surrounding jungle.