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Old 05-18-2016, 08:19 PM
Guest001 is offline Guest001
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Originally Posted by flamerboy67664 View Post
I want to make something like: little bird reached waypoint = change AI or AIP file. Is there an Event or a wac script that can do that?
Interesting I'm Looking into it but a few questions first if you don't mind...

Why not have it set to the AI text file you want first off?

Is there meant to be any players aboard?

As an alternate suggestion whilst I'm checking this over for you...

You could vaporize the bird at a precise location (wp) or by triggers like 3D Area, meride or ssnonssn then teleport a substitute.

The AI will immediately takeover if you include the new bird in a redirect to ssn or group at the same time.

To have it running on appearance, put it a good distance away then assign a temporary pilot - give it 20 seconds to start up then freeze the helo and the AI pilot with (Autonomous = 1)

Then when you need it, vaporize the temporary pilot and set the bird to (Autonomous = 0) when the bird teleports.


You can see it's the fine details needed to make your map more exciting and interactive that make up those ever growing event lists and wac scripts you are probably involved in now, going by the sound of your question.

Last edited by Guest001; 05-18-2016 at 09:34 PM.
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