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Old 06-03-2008, 06:55 AM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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There is nothing to get VooDoo.
The few (and it's a miniscule number) that play regularly on NovaWorld official BHD servers seem to think that Nova should employ people to sit and watch these people play the same maps in the same way over and over and over again.
They are scandalised that Nova might put people in to moderate these rooms that aren't employees and thus likely to be biased.
They fail to see that Nova do this because the game is five years old and they can't be waiting behind to make sure these couple of hundred (if that actually) are alright.
They fail to see that when they shout and scream and swear in Nova World forums over an issue that means something only to them that the Forum moderators ban them because they are bored listening to them moaning over what amounts to nothing.
They think it's a conspiracy. That Nova employees secretly play in cheat squads and that secretly Nova do this so they can claim to be '1337' and so they are systematically banning the pure of heart, defined by our friend up top there so that they can - after five years - revel in their own corrupt mastery of the Nova community.

The scandal is on a massive scale.
It could be likened to a couple of groups in a high school playground heckling each other because they know Dave the Jock put cat poop in Mr Jones class and blamed it on Stewie the Nerd.
It's that big.

My immediate response is who cares?
I imagine Nova feel the same. I feel desperatley sorry for any game company that keeps things small enough to be 'real' then have to spend what little time they have dealing with people like this who live in a world we all left behind in 2005.

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