Thread: [DFX] Wac limits? :( (DFX/JO)
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Old 05-28-2018, 08:04 PM
Guest001 is offline Guest001
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Contradictions again my friend?

Aaaah well. Just trying give you any info that may or may not help you shorten your wac and also help prevent any possible oversights, as I said it's hard to answer you accurately when you are so cryptic about your answers to my answers.

I can go back over many of my own maps and now see (with extra info) that I could have shortened them further, or rather, made them more efficient.

It's all about Flow control.

Imagine that you're trying to stream it all down a narrow funnel neck.

Here's an example of a negative var for you.

It's a timer script that I shortened years ago.

if never() then
set(v60, -1)
set(v90, 10)
set(v100, 1)

if not eq(v100, 1) then
dec(v100, 1)
set(v100, 60)
sub(v90, 1)

if not eq(v60, 59) then
inc(v60, 1)
set(v60, 0)
add(v70, 1)

if elapse(1) then
consol "Countdown"
consol# "Min Left",v90
consol# "Sec Left",v100

if elapse(1) then
text "Time"
text# "Min Past",v70
text# "Sec Past",v60
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