Thread: [DFBHD] A MED question
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Old 07-29-2019, 12:09 PM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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"If group [enemy] has targeted Group 1 then" will be a decent trigger. [Player is always in group 1.] You'll need that trigger for every group of enemies.

"If group 1 [Player] has shot group [enemy] then" will also keep the player from getting away with sniping enemies from beyond their engagement ranges.

Be careful selecting engagement ranges on the enemies as well. Maximum engagement range is basically how close a target has to be for the enemy to see it. Targets beyond max engagement range are technically invisible to that enemy.

People in this game have a 300m "heat signature." AIs cannot see people beyond 300m under any circumstances.

Attack range can be well beyond engagement range. I edited a map where enemies had a 100m max engagement range, but 999m attack range. If you missed a guy and he noted the near miss, he turned and started shooting at you, even though he couldn't actually see you. It's a neat effect.

If min engagement range is lower than max engagement range, the enemy will approach targets after detecting them. If min and max are equal, the enemy will hold his position.

If max engagement range is not lower than 40m, the player will always be detected immediately within that 40m radius. I think of that as the enemies' "hearing range," but the game/MEd/manuals never mention anything of the sort. At least if the enemy is at red alert, that's true. I don't think yellow or green alert lowers that 40m, though. You have to manually edit the enemy's engagement range to keep a target undetected within 40m. There really are no sneak mechanics in DFBHD.

[Quick panicked check to confirm this is about DFBHD! Ok.]

I'm not saying stealth missions are impossible in DFBHD, but they sure aren't easy 'cause nothing in the AI devised for this game is geared toward stealth.
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Last edited by Baldo_the_Don; 07-29-2019 at 12:20 PM.
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