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Old 03-19-2006, 04:38 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Sweden
Posts: 3,972

You're not allowed to carry arms (not even a pen knife) on public property in Sweden unless you have a licence that specificly say that you can, such as military, hunting licence or police

If you arnt by the bus that will take you to the military tests there will be a police car waiting outside your home to take you to jail, then you get a second chance to report to the next tests, if you dont you will be in for up to two years then you will be put in the reservs i think

And you will be convicted of drunk driving at 0.2 PPM and have a fine, jail or your licence revoked

Oh and like Australia, guns are not "banned" they are just monitored, i can have a gun for hunting if i just get a hunting licence, which is like a driverslicence here in Sweden, written and pratcial test

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