Thread: [DFX] Wac limits? :( (DFX/JO)
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Old 05-17-2018, 08:01 PM
Oscarmike247 is offline Oscarmike247
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Originally Posted by stompem View Post
If you're not doing so already, try using variables to switch, I rely heavily on them to build huge wac files, in this example the wac is well over 1000 lines.

;Operation Twilight

//	                                ***VARS***
if never() then
	set(v8,0) // control
	set(v9,0) // Friendly Zodiac Crews (SET BELOW)
	set(v10,0) // Friendly Infils
	set(v11,0) // Friendly Zodiac (SET BELOW)
	set(v15,0) // Final Bombardment
	set(v16,0) // Final Bombardment
	set(v17,0) // Weather1
	set(v18,0) // Enemy Mass Attack (SET BELOW)
	set(v20,0) // HUD - Unit Assists (SET BELOW)
	set(v21,0) // HUD - Casualties (SET BELOW)
	set(v27,0) // Weather2
	set(v28,0) // Bombing
	set(v30,0) // Control
	set(v34,0) // Enemy group 34
	set(v35,0) // Enemy group 35 (SET BELOW)
	set(v36,0) // Enemy group 36
	set(v37,0) // Enemy group 37
	set(v37,0) // infil Enemy group 39
	set(v40,0) // Control infil effects
	set(v41,0) // Control infil flags
	set(v50,0) // HUD - Team Rating / clamp at 0 if <= 1 (SET BELOW)
	set(v51,0) // Tgts 5
	set(v52,0) // Tgts 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (SET BELOW)
	set(v61,0) // Control
	set(v70,0) // ka52 (SET BELOW)
	set(v71,0) // BTR (SET BELOW)
	set(v80,0) // Group Casualties / respawning
	set(v81,0) // Group Casualties / respawning
	set(v82,0) // Group Casualties / respawning	
	set(v83,0) // Group Casualties / respawning	
	set(v84,0) // Group Casualties / respawning	
	set(v85,0) // Group Casualties / respawning
	set(v90,0) // Group Casualties / respawning
//	                                ***INIT***
if past(1) and never() then
	fx2tgt (Effect_FxFire2mF,3)
	ssnhp(61,200) // first enemy
	hidessn(98) //  flag A
	hidessn(99) //  flag B
	hidessn(100) // flag C
	hidessn(101) // flag D
	hidessn(102) // flag E
	hidessn(103) // flag F
	hidessn(104) // flag G
	hidessn(2) // Group39 Start
	hidessn(38) // Group39 End
	hidessn(49) // Group40 Zodiac Enemy Infil Start
	hidessn(58) // Group40 Zodiac Enemy Infil End
Thanks for the replies. Yes i use variables for a host of different triggers and switches.

Initially, i was thinking the same. There must be a conflict in some of the loops or something. I looked through everything and i don't see where a conflict could have occurred, but the map is very complex using several scripts, events, and variables. So it is hard to tell

If this was the case though, then why would the error occur no matter where I put a command, or what kind of command it is for that matter? It will only happen if you added something to a looping trigger.

Even if you added one more simple looping script like...

If past(1) then
Text ("test")

... the error would occur.

I have removed a few looping scripts that were necessary and it has fixed the issue for now. But i feel that it will return once i add more stuff to the WAC.

Last edited by Oscarmike247; 05-17-2018 at 08:40 PM.
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