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Old 02-26-2018, 07:20 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Suspected "Super-MED." .AIN file creator. Four-team gameplay. New unit creation. Weapon degredation. Narrative single player.

There are all kinds of things NeverLogic was up to back in the day. Programs lost, and methods of informational processing intimated by crumbs of evidence found in various dim corners of our game folders.

But there were deadlines, release dates, crunch times, lawsuits... probably personal tragedies and opportunities. Candles burning at both ends. Things got lost.

Unlikely we'll ever know for sure about these things. But, you know, even Duke Nukem eventually got that sequel. Then again, look what happened with Silent Hills.

It's the gaming industry. A troop of howler monkeys smashing buttons on an ancient money-printing machine buried under a fallout shelter in the post-apocalypse.


I'm not sure I've contributed much to this thread with this reply.
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