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Old 11-14-2012, 06:45 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Originally Posted by grenadier501 View Post
The gamefront's file store policy has changed, and due to inactivity the file were removed from gamefront

However the Novahq link is still up

Originally Posted by --BulletMagnet-- View Post
FINALLY finished "First Encounter." What a rush!
I can't finish that map due to Sysdump at the middle of the game.
Originally Posted by stompem View Post
Does Gamefront notify the up-loader of the stored files that they will remove it? Do they have a retrieval system. If not it stinks and nobody should use them.
People should use other services that do not have such arbitrary and disruptive policies.
There are plenty.
I just checked the GameFront link, I can still access the download. I don't know what happening to you there.

As for the sysdump, can you send me a PM with some details? Maybe I can figure out what's going wrong.

GameFront's upload policy seems cool enough to me. I uploaded the NSODLb_Install.exe as a guest, I have not started an account there. They explain in the GBP* that after (I think) two weeks of constant inactivity, the URL is deactivated, (the upload may be preserved for later claiming or something, I misremember that part) although if I created an account, nothing I upload would be deleted, and I could even submit the mod for promotion by GameFront, if I liked.

I had no intention of keeping GameFront as a download source forever anyway, and if the downloads keep happening, the URL will remain active. What I had hoped would happen - NovaLogic fan sites getting the beta from GameFront and offering it for download themselves - did indeed happen, so that's all fine with me, and no one else on the team's objected to my method of madness.

I'm in the process of decompressing. Getting the NSODL into the shape it's in now was taxing. Strangely, I find editing the NSO, TIO and Deep Jungle mods relaxing. I've done some fun stuff with 'em.

Some bugs I've already addressed in the NSODL. I'm still gathering info on other bugs. I have not yet done what I really need to do, though: Edit the .wac files for the campaign missions and fix the coop maps' .wacs. I get tired just thinking about it.

Tony's been busy with real life, too, but when the stars align, he'll get some maps done, and I'll get some other things done, and we'll be out of beta.

*I can't recall off the top of my head what the Allgemeine Geschaeftsbedingungen is called in english, so I'm assuming it's General Business Policy.

Or this:
////////////////////<- SIGNATURE STARTS ->\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
The NSO Deadline Mod at
/////////////////////<- SIGNATURE ENDS ->\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
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