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Old 01-16-2018, 10:43 PM
Admiral Barrett is offline Admiral Barrett
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by Scott View Post
If they are stock maps, then they are in the PFF and we all should already have them. having trouble trying to help you though, I'm able to join computers on my local network just fine using the IP Ripper with a custom startup. Not sure why it would work for me and not you unless there was a firewall or something is missing.

Try hosting the maps on NovaWorld with a password, and see if others can join you. That way you can rule out if it's IPX or if it's your game.
Server is up

DFLW game


I will leave this up for the next 20 hours or so. If anyone has issues, feel free to post it.

EDIT: The server is no longer up; the problem still persists. I am about ready to give up.

EDIT 2: I tried one last time. I connected multiple computers directly to the internet and tried to join games. I still received the Joining Session hangup. I tried hosting on one direct connection and joining on a separate internet connection; same problems. I have no clue where the problem is. I have games older than this that I can run 7+ players across my home network and internet with zero problems. NOTHING I try seems to work.

Last edited by Admiral Barrett; 01-17-2018 at 07:10 AM.
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