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Old 12-31-2001, 04:25 PM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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I have had this kind of row before.
Fact 1) Playstation was THE most popular console of all time.
Fact2) Playstation had THE most number of titles for it than anyother console
Fact3) STEPS has been one of the most popular bands in the UK ever
Fact3) This is a world of promotion and money, it is not neccessarily a world of taste and sophistication.

The majority of people I know who owned a Playstation were not people who previously gave a monkeys about games, simply, they were swept along with the wave of propoganda surrounding the newwave of home entertainment.
I knew one or two hard core gamers who had one, normally sat next to there saturns and N64, proper gamers.

I played FF and thought it was an engrossing game, but it was repetetive and ultimatley dissapointing.
The fact that it sold quickly is an irrelevence, the playstation was the most popular, doesnt make it the best I am afraid, just means that the people selling it forced the issue harder than anyone else.

Marketing does not equal quality and that my friends is FACT

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