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Old 04-15-2003, 11:56 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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man you really can't read can you
do a cheat report help keep DF:LW/TFD/BHD clean
if you don't know how to do a cheat report get real and e-mail ask them about it i put up a web-page for all to read it all by but seem you not trying to under stand it so go the long way around bud not going to make it easy for you seem you fry your brain too much already
hope that call was cheap you e-mail them they will tell all about it to you what you need in the email to do a cheat report like they told me to do & how it needed to be done.only i posted up for all to read on the internet but it seem you know about it you call them talk to them live one on one good for you better email the fools so you get the right information from the right people.

but i make it easy for you don't cry too much here you go:
cheat report by Novalogic.Inc how to make one up

read half way down you see it listed up.

next time i get a email from them i'll list the guy name up for you ok

and yea i get all my information from them Novalogic.Inc don't email novaworld they don't help much most of the time they tell you to email novalogic inc for support help.
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Playing now days: EA Games> swtor [star wars old republic]

Last edited by Hellfighter; 04-15-2003 at 12:20 PM.
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