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Old 07-23-2022, 10:12 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 534

You know, if you had asked "How do you science?" or "How make music?" the question would've been only about 7.3% to 12.5% more difficult to answer.

I started modding 'cause I wanted sights on the SAW. It did not escalate quickly from there, but it did escalate extensively.

Basically, you find something you want to change in the game and find out how to change it. Start small, and work carefully. Make mistakes and correct them. Take breaks and — I cannot emphasize this enough — get snacks.

I'll save you time on two questions, though:

The sniper crosshairs that they have in DFBHDTS and carried over to later titles are centered high and left. They are hard-coded into the game .exes and you'd have to reverse-engineer the programs themselves to fix them.

In DFBHDTS, if you edited the animation on the player's bones to tip the head 30° or 40° to the left on the left lean, that would end the so-called 'Left-Lean Glitch.'

Completing either of these modifications would win you unimaginable praise, possibly a job at whatever company takes over NovaLogic's assets, and players will name children, puppies, and kittens after you. Not just newborns, either, they would hire legal council to change their kids' birth certificates, because, of all the balls NeverLogic dropped, these are the most egregious and hated.

I will never give up hope that they will be fixed. You may fulfil that hope. I wish you the best of luck, bud.

Addendum: How do you science? F**k around. Find out. Make notes! Show the notes. Warning: Involves math. Learn to count.

How do you music? Make noise. Make it pretty. Cover Metallica. Collect groupies. Warning: Involves math. Learn to count to four. Lars might sue you.

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The NSO Deadline Mod at
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Last edited by Baldo_the_Don; 07-23-2022 at 09:28 PM.
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