Thread: [DFBHD] Baldo's New M60 Sight
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Old 03-31-2022, 07:45 PM
Oscarmike247 is offline Oscarmike247
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Originally Posted by Baldo_the_Don View Post

Speaking of experiments, I'm attaching screenshots of one of my favorites. The M14 has a full-auto mode with iron sights under the scope, and semi using the fixed 9x mag. scope with a mutation of the German 1 reticle I came up with. The center post is like an inverse ACOG where you use dude-wide gaps for ranging instead of dude-wide hashes. I didn't want to clutter up the reticle with numbers on the sides, so I cluttered it up with dots to designate the 400m, 600m and 800m aimpoints. It kind of works. The center post is 24x384px (36kb), the right horizon is 384x18px (27kb), and the left horizon is the right horizon mounted mirrored in the weapon.def. All that reticle for 63kb!

Those sights look great. Nice work! I did something similar with some of mine with dual sights options. It's nice to be able to utilize the features available to you as you would in reality.

Here's some of mine. I need to do this with the M21 as well, but I'll have to edit my current model as the mounts don't allow you to see the iron sights.

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