Thread: [DFBHD] Baldo's New M60 Sight
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Old 10-12-2021, 08:16 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Originally Posted by Seahawk View Post
And why is no one answering to my issues?
Sorry for off topic.
Your screenshots are helpful, but we cannot diagnose a sysdump if you don't tell us everything that was going on when it happened. My experience with sysdumps mostly involve badly written .wac files, buggy mods, corrupted maps, or pure random bull****. It could be anything. Go back to that thread you started and tell us more.

The Bink .dll error might be fixed by opening the dfv.cfg in notepad.exe, finding the line no_anim and changing it from -1 or 0 to 1. That seems to deactivate the Bink videos. I'm going to copy-paste those sentences into your thread.

I'll shamefully admit, I saw your sysdump screenshot earlier, saw no other info, and left no comment out of frustration. I didn't even look at the other screen shot 'til now 'cause I figured it was the same as the other one.

You have to communicate, people! DFBHD is a buggy mess, and we need clues to find the culprit, even if it's always an old man in a monster suit trying to steal something.
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