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Old 08-02-2020, 02:33 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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I fixed the bcolt45.mdt and my mood is soaring!

Anyone that loves DFBHD(TS) and has paid attention has noticed that the Colt .45 looks weird. Holding the weapon outside on a bright map, where it should be shiny, it's shaded, and where it should be shaded, it shines.

This is because the bump/normal/height map was done poorly. Google "Bump Mapping" if you like, I can't really explain it beyond this: bump maps make flat polygons look not flat, as in "bumpy." It's a neat trick.

Basically, I tore the apart, but that didn't help.

The bcolt45.mdt made me curious though. I changed the .mdt extension to .tga. That worked to get the file open. It was a blotchy, psychedelic-colored impression of some bits of the .45 with an alpha channel making most of it transparent, and the visible bits more or less transparent. Looked like nonsense.

I never cut to the chase, but I'm gonna do that now and say to those who might understand: Invert all the colors. Swap the green and blue channels. Reapply the alpha. Save as a .tga. Change the extension to .mdt. Boom.

Alternatively: See the attached
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