Thread: [DFBHD] I am without ideas. :/
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Old 01-20-2020, 03:45 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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The only way I got so good at helicopters in DFBHDTS was having so much time and no ideas, so I just started what I call 'doing tricks.' Like seeing the ruined roof of a bombed out building and thinking, "Can I get a Blackhawk to land on that?" (Spoiler: yes.), or "Can I set up several different helicopter runs for one helicopter and trigger them at different times?" (Also yes.)

I don't get any maps finished, honestly, but I know how to do a lot of stuff most mappers don't. I've discovered limits (at least one, for sure) that nobody suspected.

I second Stomps statement: just start messing around with it. No garantees that'll it'll turn into a mission, but you'll be learning things the MEd can do, and may even figure out how to fake things the MEd can't do.

You start out banging the rocks together, next thing you know, you're detecting gravitational waves. SCIENCE!
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