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Old 11-08-2019, 10:15 PM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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by baldo_the_don, on Flickr

Edits to the DFBHD HD mod. I improved the binoculr.tga and compring.tga. DFBHDTS in 16:9 using the BHD:HD FOV Selector and modified dfbhd.exe made by Sil and Scott at

They are the true heroes of this screenshot.

What you're seeing here is a very carefully constructed test map where immediately upon spawn, you press the crouch key, then look north through the binoculars. The grey block under the crosshair is the top of a wooden fence post. I aligned it vertically with the terrain horizon and horizontally with the 11 chain link fence posts 51m north. The fence posts are horizontally fanned out in an arc centered on the spawn marker, each one degree apart, and just high enough to be seen over the top of the wooden fence post at spawn when in crouch position. The four dark squares above the center are wooden fence posts, like the one in the foreground, but vertically fanned out in an arc each one degree higher than the other and pitched to point directly at the player's eye in the crouch position at spawn.

There was SO much math involved.

I did all this so I could have a reference for the binocular crosshair. I wanted to redraw it so that the pips actually mean something.

I've also done half a dozen different attempts at the spin map's compring.tga, and I think this version is the best I've got.

I'd've explained all this at the original posting time if I hadn't been awake for 30-some-odd hours at that point and randomly dozing off the whole time.
////////////////////<- SIGNATURE STARTS ->\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
The NSO Deadline Mod at
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Last edited by Baldo_the_Don; 11-09-2019 at 08:52 AM. Reason: Stompem's reply reminded me to give credit where credit's due. Then I decided to tell the viewer what they're seeing.
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