Thread: [DFLW] Ideas
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Old 01-30-2019, 02:09 PM
johnno56 is offline johnno56
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The 'problems' I have is more of a 'cosmetic' nature. Sometimes the game will start and the screen will have to be maximised or restored to view the game but this is rare. Most times - unless I prematurely exit the game - the system screen resolution is stuck on 640x480 until I reset it...

I couldn't remember the type of graphics card I had installed. I used to build my own until the eyesight started failing - lol - Isn't "System Info" a marvel. AMD/ATI Radeon HD 5000/6000/735/8350 series.

Windows XP you say... I think I still have the original CD floating around in storage... I will check the Linux forum and see what VM's they are using and the system requirements as well... This could be fun...

Coffee time...

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