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Old 03-17-2015, 05:51 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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I really should say something, 'cause it's really waiting on me. Tony991 sent me a bunch of maps for the campaign that he started, and I have no doubt that I can finish them. I have the copy of PS Elements that I need to tweak that one targa or the other, but I haven't installed it yet. I have the hard drive from my old computer and an adapter to access it, but it's collecting dust on the shelf next to my desk.

And every time I try to do something on the NSODL mod, my heart starts pounding, every muscle in my body tenses up, and I get an un-ignorable urge to do anything else.

Just seeing that this thread had a new reply, my first thought was, "Oh, ****! They caught me!"

I guess it's a midlife crisis of sorts. At 46, you know that life is not going to get any easier, but you really start to get a grip on that fact that, before you can do any one thing that you want to do, you have to do three other things that you know about, and anticipate three other things you don't yet know about. You make a move that you expect will keep you busy for an hour, and forty-five minutes in, you know you'll need at least another hour. Go through that often enough, you start to dread the next attempt.

Then again, maybe the winter's just got me down. Spring's coming soon.

But I think it comes down to this: I was so in love with the NSODL project, and I got so much done on it, a lot of which needs tweaking, and then I got so tired. I so want to finish what I started, but I'm just not as in love with modding DFBHD as I used to be. I get ideas, and I play around with other mods a little, and I feel that spark way down deep inside, so I know I'm not done with it, I just need that fire to stir up again.

I haven't abandoned the NSODL, I just can't touch it at the moment.

Does any of this make any sense?
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