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Old 10-11-2012, 04:44 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Originally Posted by stompem View Post
/ exp/mod/mymod?
I don't really know but could it be the path?
Nothing that complicated. I think it's just all the stuff I put in the .wac. It's well-known that the only things that should ever be in a .wac for an MP map are ssnride events and maybe text/consol messages. I've wedged a few ss2ssn and sound actions into it, and they may not be compatible with MP and/or coop play. I had hoped to get away with it. They work when I host a serve and play, but...

And then there's always the possibility that the low-health effect I added to the game.wac is the problem. Again, my testing 'til now has been all GO, so...

I'd suggest this for a Mickey Mouse job: create a blank .wac file and name it cp_fsten.wac, drop it in the game folder, and let it supercede the one in the .pff. If that helps, well then, we'll have a strong clue to the solution, then, won't we?
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