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Old 08-26-2012, 10:49 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Originally Posted by Luis View Post
ok this is a topic about helicopters.. then
i`m away from maps for some time but now i`m trying to `get back`and i forgot how to make the helicopter follow an specific waypoint AFTER the player has entered it .. i already know how to make with area triggers but i remember that there`s another way to do that...... via .wac or what ?

I'll try to make this quick: I think you're asking about using a .wac event to launch. Darwinistically expressed:

Little Bird = SSN 2345 in Group 2, launched when v5 is greater than 7.

if ssnride 2345 then inc v5 endif
if not ssnride 2345 then set v5 0 endif
That's all that needs to be in the .wac. Everything else can go in the .bms.

If you can figure it out from there, you're truly a mapper worth his salt.

Originally Posted by stompem View Post
RE: BHD only

ssn on top of ssn
ssn within x distance of ssn
ssn sees ssn
ssn targeted ssn
Group has less than x units etc
if you are talking about triggers you can use nearly all trigger types

then action

goto wp
goto ssn etc...

does anyone use return to base?
If you're talking about the AI state "Return to Base," I can confirm that it really doesn't do anything in DFBHD, I believe it's vestigial code from Comanche 4.

In DFBHD, AI states only affect aircraft, and the only AI states that are really funtional are "Land" and "Follow Waypoint."

Changing an aircraft's AI state to "Pretty" can be used by a skillful mapper. It's similar to "Land," but instead of slowly settling to the ground, a flying aircraft will snap to terrain instantly and start shutting down.

So if you set a heli to "use waypoint z" and set the WP's z to 4m above a landing surface, then add an area trigger of appropriate size changing the heli's AI state to "Pretty," then an event changing the AI state back to "Follow Waypoint" a few seconds later, the heli swoops in, hits the deck, then takes off again, lickety-split.

It doesn't look realistic at all though, and is only slightly faster than using "Land."
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