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Old 12-01-2002, 07:08 PM
Cathar is offline Cathar
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Originally posted by Skinbag
.fu. are the best uk squad at lw. And we get bitched at i would say 70% of the time saying where cheaters etc. all the time, BS this BS that.
Would agree with you here .fu. are deff one of the best uk squads, used to play on ya server quite alot, b4 u guys split, but u got together again now have to play with ya again, soddin hard to kill ya, but was nice to do so, esspecially with a knife. Too true about the bitchin, I remember somethin about that to do with the brit league a while ago.

I've been saying about whiner's bein the main source of probs on df for a long time, and i'm glad other ppl see my point of view, now as for this prob, a very simple solution, take the match of each of your history's and don't play each other again, or if u want to play each other again get a neutral server setup, hell if you guys are uk i'd host the dam thing 4 ya, got 512k d/load, 256k up/load adsl.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - General George Patton (1885-1945)