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Old 05-02-2007, 09:35 PM
teej is offline teej

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The pc gaming community and pc lan tournaments are acually making a good comeback since the huge console halo 2 and the MLG tournaments. Since WoW is becoming a LAN tournament game you will see many more tournaments start popping up in '07-'08. Call of Duty 2 has a big community as it is. The COD2 community has convinced WSVG( to acually hold a LAN tournament. WSVG Dallas and WSVG Orlando, coming this summer, are holding a COD2 tournament, and the first time ever, the top European teams and top US teams will acually go head to head for the first time to see who is best. This is a big step in the right direction for the COD2 community and I see nothing but progress from here on. Season 5 of for COD2 already has more teams signed up compared to last season, season 4. Until COD4 comes out, i see nothing but good things for the community then basically the whole cod2 community will transfer over. Plus a lot of other new players will start playing.

Yeah this is basically why I think you guys should get it for pc. PLAY FOR PC!

Originally posted by Scott
ok, now that we are all a little dumber for reading that, back to how much IE is better than any other browser
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