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Old 12-29-2006, 04:46 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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i added in BF2 into the thread header so members who love it will not pass it by.

sounds great but is it fair? or you basic modded the game right?

in the service when i was in it we lay clays out and cover them up, but we did make a map were they was located at.

down side to this you can still walk right into them and they will kill you as fast as other coming into the zone as will.

there is a back blast area as will. that will kill as will.

real life one do not shot rocket inside a helicopter ether it will blowup it and one will die asap as will.

funny way gamers can get away with? but in real world you get kill once it the end of you, use a weapon in a way that will kill you and other on your team.

Use a Rocket of any type and of minnes/clays lay them out with a trip-wire or remote control trcker safer.
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Playing now days: EA Games> swtor [star wars old republic]

Last edited by Hellfighter; 12-29-2006 at 04:57 PM.
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