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Old 07-27-2006, 05:18 PM
hollow_tips is offline hollow_tips
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 4

Weird colours???

When the JO demo first came out, some people had a problem with the graphics. Since the game required HW-T&L, some people just didn't have the right video card to support HW-T&L since most of them were BHD players and BHD did not require HW-T&L.

Well, there was a solution.

I cant remeber the name, but it was this little program that you could've downloaded and it fixed the problem. It kind of replaced HW-T&L on video cards that didn't have it.

A lot of people used it to play Joint Ops, because i was one of them and i remebered people posting about how happy they were.

Anyone remeber the name and know where i can download it from?
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