Thread: Lag...lag...lag
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Old 01-22-2006, 02:27 AM
.DareDevil. is offline .DareDevil.
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Heck like i tell many even with a good computer and comcast cable lags some!My computers suppose to play any game well plus added few things to sup it up on the Area 51 extreme gaming laptop still lags some with comcast.Only thing that could handle it well is DSL or higher id say if you wanted no lag at all.Some dude was telling me laptops arent good for gaming i was like bud they are if there made by Alienware for extreme gaming!Alienware is best in my opinion for gaming pcs!I mean doesent matter laptops are good only if there made for it unlike dells and all those others no because they dont have stuff for it!Mine has 4 fans under it so that also tells you something!

Ahhh here we are this is my computer

has latest of Nvidia Cards and has latest processor and more ram added to it then what was on the computer shown and some more stuff was added!Yea i make alot of runon sentances bare with me!If im not mistaken even shows a picture of Joint Ops on one of laptop pics lol and to think somebody saying my laptop sucks for gaming!

Lag also can come from the server most time lag is in Nova server which im not only one complaining i see guys in there with green pings like me saying it but i dont get eneough lag to not do well!Sometimes made me suspect someone using the CI cheat cause everytime i lag alot now lately it will freeze for few seconds and play again buttttt someone always kills me in between that time and thats one of the points of the CI Cheat!

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