Thread: C'mon the lads!
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Old 06-21-2002, 07:06 PM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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Thats right.
Brazil outclassed us on the pitch because they were the best team in the tournament.
I still believe we were the second best and even Brazilians (including Pele) said it should have been the final.
The fact that we came through the hardest group and up against the best side in the world and conceded only 3 goals is testimony to our greatness.
Its heart wrenching to see Seaman apologising for his cock up when in fact it was brief moment of insanity seized upon by a guy who missed his cross.
I have always had a lot of time for the man and I wish there was some way I could take his dissapointment away.
I'll be keeping this george cross siggy for some time yet.
We gunna win the Euro championship and then the next world cup anyhow.

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