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Old 07-04-2005, 02:40 PM
ArcticWolf is offline ArcticWolf
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DFLW Map Maker

Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Castro Valley Calif
Posts: 271

eek's latest.......

A friend at another forum posted a link to these chat's, just be ready for what you may read...

#518696 +(720)- [X]

#518696 +(720)- [X]

RustySpoon: Hahaha... I just came back from Phlanges girlfriend.
Phloam: Wtf were you doing there? ffs man have some respect
RustySpoon: Let\'s just say she was glad to see me
* Phlange is now afk
RustySpoon: **** when did he log on?


#518191 +(240)- [X]

atomicmint2006: this whole project raped me in the butthole
dahlia: that's no good.
dahlia: butthole sex needes tenderness and lube.
atomicmint2006: yeah, well this project
atomicmint2006: used a sandpaper condom


#516917 +(12)- [X]

(@elusive_brob) XargoL
(@elusive_brob) I've got a hook-up-line for you
(+XargoL) oh?
(+XargoL) ;O
(@elusive_brob) "wanna play network? you're switch and i'm cable?"
(+XargoL) heh
(+XargoL) remember firewall


#515496 +(742)- [X]

(Knighted_) goddammit
(Knighted_) why can't anything i think of turn out right?
(Knighted_) listerine + foot odour smells worse than just feet, and now my shoes are technically flammable


(I think this one is true! LOL)

#513893 +(547)- [X]

(pathogen) in maths today we found out that 1+3+3+7 = 14
(pathogen) so therefore 1337 = 14
(pathogen) so anyone who speeks 1337 is 14

That should keep you going for a while.... hehehehehe
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