Thread: xFire
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Old 03-02-2005, 03:30 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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it really sweet i can instant join games with my Buddy's on the INTERNET massager without starting some games up.

you may have to have the CD for some games in the tray still to instant join more has to do with the game setup to instant join in some games.

i talk to my brother who maybe playing Halo and i be in DF:BHD inside the game a windows pop-up in it we talk to each other without leaving the game at all or going to desktop.

basic they have:
1.) text massager for some games only.
2.) instant join others and text messages too.

all the info: on game they support:

on their site they have a listing of games they support with their massager service it free no ad-ware or spy-ware at all.

only file transfer is the demo/patches of games types you may find you like or need.

it more in the line of ICQ or MSN message it don't have anything to it come close quick-time, it like saying Xfire is a apple and quick-time is a chicken egg they are not even close to be compare to each other.

Xfire only let you join in the fun with others and see what they are up to in game play. Darn essayer to locate a buddy and get into the fun of thing. you see server info they are in the ping they are doing many other info. in some case you can instant join right into the server were they are at (you do need the game and any mod they are using)

bottom line it a massager that is more in-line with gamers who play a lot with each other and have fun too.

i love it
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